Players and Parents: Read and understand the warning prior to playing or allowing your child to play.
Race War Kingdoms is a game that allows players to communicate with each other. As stated in the Terms of Use Glitchless cannot guarantee that the things said or information linked to by other players of the game will be suitable for all ages. Race War Kingdoms offers tools such as the /ignore feature and the ability to completely turn off chat in order to allow players to shelter themselves from possibly offensive material.
Race War Kingdoms' player to player communication is all server based. This means that messages are never sent directly between players' computers but rather through our servers in order to protect your privacy. Other common chatting programs often allow messages to be sent directly between users allowing them to gain knowledge of your IP address which can be used to determine private information such as your location or as a gateway to attempt to hijack your computer. IT IS RECOMMENDED THAT RACE WAR KINGDOMS PLAYERS DO NOT COMMUNICATE WITH OTHER PLAYERS OUTSIDE OF RACE WAR KINGDOMS TO ENSURE THEIR PRIVACY AND SAFETY.
There is a link to this warning on the front page for a reason. RWK players can be mean and spiteful people after nearly 8 years of dedication, putting up with trolls, and putting up with scammers, some of which having cost players up to thousands of dollars of real cash. If you don't like what you see in chat, there are ways to ignore individual players or turn off chat entirely.
If someone in chat starts acting like a jerk, do not prolong the rudeness and turn chat into 100 or more lines of exchanging insults. Instead, ignore them to save yourself from your own possible moral degradation and allow the communication part of the game to remain enjoyable for everyone else who doesn't want to hear it. If you do feel inclined to continue a vulger argument, you can take it to PM.
If everyone else in chat has been drawn in and confrontation is unavoidable, you may be better off turning off chat.
-Shout Text
If the conversation ends up in Auction or Emote for some reason, which is unlikely unless those channels were the point of origin for the argument, you can also use your options to disable those chat channels.