Vampires |
07-22-2008, 02:34 PM
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Vampires don't need weapons or spells to do damage. All they need is Relics, and Durability armors. The main attack by a vampire is usually their high durability and defending. A Blood Pinch (BP) relic steals 20% health, based on your durability. So let's say i have 2 bil modded durability, against a 1bil enemy. With one blood pinch you should steal 20% of your 2 bil health, which is 400mil. It would take 2 and a half hits to kill your enemy.
To get high durability, you need the vamp horns quest (need lungs ONLY), Vampeyes girlfriend (Min level of 10), DIP shields (bought or crafted at 685 crafting 4.4bil gold), A Rapid Body Singe Durability, and an Accurate Body Singe Durability(Same as DIP shields).
The DIP and BSD's double your durability each, Rapid saves time, and Accurate will be explained.
The reason i say you need an Accurate besides a Rapid, is that rapid and light weapons shortens the delay bar, but only ONCE. It doesnt matter if you have 2 Rapids, you won't hit faster. Accurate spells help if you have high CNC, Casting Accuracy also. Since the Totem of Second Chances saves your attacker an accurate spell is kind of like a counter. You can end up killing your opponent in one attack, if your spells kick in and your relics do enough damage.
Some people say it's a waste to put stats in CNC. They would say 'to maximize damage just put it all in Dur'. Yes that maximizes damage, but as a Bloodletter you should already be doing lots of damage. Using spells against beasts as a vamp is dumb yes, but during acumen it can save your life. I killed more players using cast both spells than i ever did using defend, proving spells do serve a purpose as a vamp. If you cap and put about 24mil or so in dur, and the rest in CNC, you should be hitting with your casts against most players.
I say MOST players because Monks with high CNT can fizzle your casts then devoid you and kill you. But that's pretty much it, all other capped players don't even think about CNT as they don't need it to attack. Sure there may be maybe 300k in that stat, but with 3 or 4mil cnc you can surely do damage.
Now about relics and armors. DIP armors are only usefull for the shields which give 130% more dur per shield. For your other armor any Durable higher than DIP will help.
When you are able to kill beasts and have a nice kingdom plex making money, you can go hunting for ICE Unborn Torments. They drop Ice essences and for only 10 bil you can trade them to the Surface Hermit and bind it to your Blessings/Approbations. Every Ice increases your Durability 10%. Get a Dragon Shards you can upgrade ONE ice with 20% durability and doubles defense. However it costs 999bil to use. And Dragon Eaters drop the shards, a random beast that is hard to get to and kill before anyone else.
For skills, get 99 to Regeneration, Haste, Criticality, Defensive, and Casting Accuracy/Precision. If you have a Skill Potencifier, max Regeneration, Defensive, and Criticality right away to 125.
Last edited by Soul Thrift; 07-22-2008 at 09:28 PM..
Starting Out |
07-22-2008, 08:36 PM
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Starting Out
Starting out as a vamp you should buy durability armors, Blood Pinch/Touch of the Damned relics, 2 Durable shields, a rapid spell, and either a heal or major/accurate spell. Since now you start of with 0 gold, use your fists or theurg spells. Theurgists damage with no spells, that is, if you have no spells you can still cast a spell. After you get so many levels and gaining gold, use that to buy a BP, Rapid spell, and durable armor. Raise your Durability stat and watch your BP relic kill mobs. After more gold you can get better equipment and upgrade yourself with more durable armors. Keep doing that until you get to level 10.
Vampires level faster as they can 1 hit kill opponents. With high haste you gain experience faster, as will changing to a better mob. It's very monotonous, click, kill, click, kill, level, etc... but gets the job done.
Relics NEVER miss either, unless you get Voided by another player. That happens in PvP combat like acumen and dueling, not mob killing.
At level 10 you gain points for girlfriends. They aid you in combat and kingdoms. Type /girlfriend to view their descriptions. Now, first you should choose Transcend, as she is like an Apex, which doubles your leveling speed. Both stack, causing 4x leveling speed, with only the Apex delaying. Your second girlfriend should be Vampeyes, whom doubles your modded durability. After that it's all your discretion, as it takes a while to gain another gf after the second.
As always the best way to level would be buying access and templar via the buy items page, and going to hell where there is a 3x experience gain. But that is a total of $100 well spent.
Last edited by Soul Thrift; 07-22-2008 at 09:29 PM..
Transferring |
07-22-2008, 09:06 PM
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At level 750 is when soft cap begins. You will only gain a level after you kill 3x more mobs than you did before to level. When you reach level 1,000 you can start transferring stats into other ones, IF you don't have SoS. Basically transferring to a vamp you put it to durability and all your other stats will go down, and your 1 stat you chose to level goes up. However, it's much better to transfer if you DO have SoS. With SoS you can level up to the level cap, which is above 1,900 by now. The only bad thing is that the last ten levels before being at max level is Slow cap.
Slow cap takes 100 HITS to level. You don't have to kill satans for hours, only hit them a LITTLE BIT. Take off all your relics, all your durable armor should be switched to normal armor, change BSDs to like ADs, put on regular shields, and hack away! It's either that or going into the InSaNe DuNgEoN and new fighting a high mob until you see your bar move, then stick with that monster until it dies. That way you can keep all your beasting armor on, just in case. Make sure to leave your apex off UNTIL you get the Level up, put it on THEN click Dur, THEN take it off. Rinse and Repeat.
Now, what i would do is get to Slow cap, then wait until the end of the month after Acumen to level to level again. Why? Because it takes FOREVER to get the last 10 levels and transfer before the next acumen when your level goes up 10 and you have to do it ALL OVER again! Either way it will take about a month or two to get the right stats, would hate to be 1 level away from cap 5 days before acumen.... After Slow cap, every HIT afterwards gains you the ability to transfer stats. (HOWEVER if we didn't have SoS it would take 3 kills to gain a stat transfer.)
Ok, with that hell over with, raise Durability to above 24mil base and put the rest in CNC. After all your stats besides those two are near 5k, you can say you are done with leveling forever as a vamp, stay at the current cap, and watch your name go down the tops list as everyone else transfers.
That's it for leveling now. Your skills probably suck around the 20's range, so raise them up seeing as you have nothing better to do now. Well, Haste should be pretty high as thats the first skill you would want to max. Maybe you can use your ash to kill some Goblins for their hide or head. Then trade that head in for Fangs of the Bloodletter.
07-23-2008, 01:45 AM
Just a few little pointers here:
I personally don't like vamps. First, they aren't faster to level as everyone seems to think. If you think just because you're a fighter you aren't allowed to use relic damage then you're pretty silly, because yes, using relics to kill is more reliable, because they can't get blocked/miss.
Second, you need to buy a LOT of expensive equipment to be able to hunt high end beasts, ie. the Dragon Eaters that were mentioned will pretty much be untouchable to you unless you want to spend a few hundred on some supers.
I could write some more but I'm in a hurry. Basically, they are an ok class, they can be good (as can basically every class), but you'll need to pay for it. You can get an equally good char of another class for less. But you should choose whichever class you 'like' the most, which for me is fighters. Some like archers, *shrugs*, it's up to you.
08-27-2008, 09:33 AM
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Yeah, Vampires do cost a lot to maintain Acumen wins and are pretty much useless against higher beasts without the best armor/relics in game. That's why they are frowned upon. That's almost like any other class in the game though. As for the leveling speed I agree now. The only way it's faster is because of the relics you use always hit, unlike an attack with low accuracy. A fighter using one BP wittling down a Satan would actually level faster than a vamp for the last 10 levels. It's because you have more Durability as a vamp and your relics would do more damage than a different class. Haste is a factor also.
But then again as any class it's easy to cap if you know what you are doing. You could go to the Insane Dungeon and keep 'new fighting' a mob until you do a little bit of damage with only relics. With their high Armor Class it would take a while to actually kill the opponent, unless someone else decides to battle it.
But this is a Vampire topic, and the trend I keep seeing is Bloodletters transferring to a different class. In acumen there were plently of vamps like 3 or so years ago, but now I rarely see them get past round 2. I started as a vamp and will most likely stay that way because I'm either ignorant or lazy. Vamps just seem more like a rarity nowadays, I ain't complaining or anything though.
09-01-2008, 06:20 AM
I'm not sure how long ago it was, but there was a time when vampires reigned supreme. Same basic thing as monks basically, there's a lot of people transferring out of those classes because they used to be at the top of the rung, so a lot of old accounts were monks or vamps, but now they have decided it's time to become (most commonly) a fighter or archer.
01-09-2009, 06:43 PM
Well....Soul Thrift is wrong. Blood Pinch takes 20% of the lower Dur. If that were true you have 2b hp, then it would take 5 hits to kill a 1b hp mob. Unless my facts are wrong.
01-09-2009, 08:29 PM
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Northern Silence is offline
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o well someone can't do math, but its 5-6months old so who cares...
01-10-2009, 08:32 PM
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You are thinking of DotB or BB(Blood Bath), you can't kill a mob with only those. Blood Pinch is based on your own durability and DotB/BB is is the lower one. Which is why you usually do more damage with BP than DotB.
01-15-2009, 01:00 AM
Ok, first, like NS said your maths is wrong. Second, BP's do 20% of your modded dur, irrelevant of what the enemy's dur is.
Third, regarding Soul Thrift's comment, DotB is only worse than BP for quite advanced vamps. Unless your modded durability is 4.5 times your enemies, the DotB's will do more damage. And the fact that they can't kill your enemies as a deterrent has always confused me as well. If you have a few DotB's each doing 90% of your enemies health, then it will be whittled down to very little in only a few relics. All you need is 1 BP at the end to do the final one damage. That would be a far better setup for lower-level vamps than all BP's. Although the BP's can still do as much damage as you would need to do to level, many players for some reason like to kill as high as they can. The DotB's would also help when it comes to GF points.
01-23-2009, 01:28 PM
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I really don't see how my math is wrong? If figured right 20% of 2,000,000,000 is 400,000,000. You know, 2bil times .2 is how i did that. 20% is 1/5 the number from your modded durability. 400mil times 5 should equal 2bil. And Mreow is right if BP did damage to the lower amount. 1bil as its 1/5 damage would take 200mil away. 5 hits for 1bil.
You should always have at least one BP to kill your opponent and make sure it's in the 6th relic slot as relics fire from the top left first and bottom right last. As a capped vampire though, you should have 10 DotB approbations for mez and damage. As a newbie vampire DotB items are spendy unless you are a poker wiz. You can just wait until no one is playing with 100mil and turn 10 ash into 1bil by betting max and waiting it out. Do that enough times with ash lotto and you will have enough gold to buy whatever you wanted, assuming you have a lot of ash. If you are really enthusiastic about it, get Chantcrafting up with TSM and put your DotB onto other higher level equipment, or just buy it from others with all the poker gold you are hoarding. The 2nd one is more realistic and faster. After Transcend and Vampeyes though, you don't really need another GF unless you want Darkharvest for more poker ash. It's much easier to acquire GFs if you can kill the highest mob repeatedly at a higher level. Since you only get 100 kills for points you can level the rest of the day and start new the next. The point would be to maximize dur right away to kill higher mobs for more points with whatever relics you want. At max level and an Acumen participant, you would want Rezizthis for the 40% void/mez cancel(As Bloodletter), Vampeyes for the damage, and Revivia if you don't have many/any TotF. Those 3 are the only ones you need for battling so aim for those after Transcend if you plan on hitting max level anytime within the next few months.
DotB relics aren't very useful in acumen or late game though, as most players aren't vamps or theurgs that need a lot of dur to damage. You would do less damage as they have less dur by stat transferring to gain say CNC and INT(Mage) or DEX and STR(Fighter). I only use DotB if i want more chance to mez my opponent, even so i use Voids and Devoids anyways to cancel out the opponent fully to easy kill. Either way defense is a factor also as it lessens the effects of your relics and spells. It's hard to figure damage with defense but something i wouldn't mind testing if i had a ton of time, ideal rounded stats, and no appros.
02-03-2009, 06:39 AM
Sorry for the confusion, I was telling Mreow that his maths was wrong, yours is sound. And you are correct in saying that if BP's did do damage to the lower dur amount then he would be correct, but getting a correct answer based on incorrect facts makes him wrong anyway.
06-04-2011, 11:03 AM
Sparkle power!
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