No More /Guide gives potential rule change
I'm not really disappointed in the change since I never really answered guide requests and most of the people that I did help throughout the years were either already blue PMs or those that unwittingly gave their /mentor for the wrong reason, but I have some ideas since /guide is now obsolete.
Mentor buying used to be a big problem, which is still evident seeing as Slayerlord is still on top of the guide list even though he probably hasn't even played for a year. Because of that, you released an excellent update that solved the problem by not allowing players to trade until level 10.
Since /guide is no longer available, wouldn't it be reasonable to ratify that rule since there are no longer any guide requests? Without the ability to see guide requests and randomly PM the newbies to bribe them with trivial gold and items, I don't really see much reason to keep the trade rule. It will allow new players to once again learn the ways of the economy without having to spend a few hours minimum (though it tends to be a few days since most newer players seem to be a bit slow as of late) to reach level 10. They'll be able to sell their ash drops for gold that will help them along with their equipment, relics, and allow them the funds to play poker with Rune set as their payout for their first few billion gold. Since new players now start with 0 gold as opposed to the previous 50,000 gold, this could come in handy to allow them a head start to get at least a miniscule chance to catch up with the already obscenely wealthy players in the game.
Maybe you have other updates planned that will still require the level 10 trade rule, but without any knowledge of such an update, I can't help but wonder if the trade rule is still necessary.