RWK Mods
Old 05-27-2008, 02:58 PM   #1
Crab Defiler
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Default RWK Mods

In terms, to much **** happens in RWK for any of it to get away. Jeffrey you should make or get some people to make RWK mods, and not give them to much power.
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Old 05-27-2008, 03:03 PM   #2
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if i recall in the beginning there used to be mods
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Old 05-27-2008, 03:08 PM   #3
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*Mods aren't necessary IMHO. You can enforce the rules yourself by nuking the infractors or just use the /ignore feature. Ultimately you could try e-mailing Glitchless if someone breaks the rules often, but I haven't had luck with that.
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Old 05-27-2008, 03:34 PM   #4
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I've been wanting mods for years now that can actually do something. First of all there are currently player mods, but they can't do anything except warn people which does nothing, so I'm pretty sure none of them even bother anymore.

Mods aren't *necessary* because having someone auctioning in shout, selling chars, selling stuff from other games without templar, etc doesn't really affect game play. At this point most people don't have a plex because they've already gotten nuked, so nuking really isn't an option anymore. As stated in the suggestions area, ignoring is practically useless at this point because you have to reignore every time you relog or log a different char, which for a lot of people is way to often for it to be worth bothering with, not to mention if you tried ignoring everyone that was annoying or broke the rules your ignore list would fill up in about 5 minutes.

=======Copy from other forum since I'm not gonna retype it all========

I don't think mods should have total power, and I think all of the old/decent players agree that noobs constantly breaking the rules and not caring is ridiculous. Jeff also needs to update a rules page so noobs don't have to look 20 different places to find them all. I think I covered them all on my site.
Possible suggestions for how it could work:
1. Mods can mute and warn, they don't take away ash when muting. All that happens is the player cant talk for a full hour (not until hour change)
2. The player gets 2 warnings per day before it's acceptable to mute them. The warning should tell them where they can look at the list of rules. If there's more than 1 mod there might be some problems seeing how many times a person has been warned, idea could be a /warncount Playername that would show how many times.
3. If a player is doing something that's borderline against the rules, the mods should ask Jeff first, mute second. This way people don't get unfairly punished for things that aren't explicitly stated in the rules.
4. No bull**** modding like muting people when they cuss. There's a few things in the Terms that have never been enforced and should probably be removed if it doesn't make J3ff liable for getting sued or something. Things that have basically always been accepted shouldn't change.
5. Have the mods copy the approximate time and what the person said when they mute someone. This way if there's a problem Jeff can easily look through logs. Screenies seem big and unnecessary, so simply copying into word or notepad should work. Jeff can always check and see if you edited the posts or left something out to try and trick him.
6. Modding is a privilege. If you abuse your powers all of your chars get permanently banned. This should be enough to keep Jeff from worrying too much, especially if the mods he picks are serious players.

A different idea would be to have a voting system. The RWK community has to vote if someone needs muted. It'd have to be made so that people can't abuse it and log 20 chars to vote for someone. Each PLAYER (not char) would be able to vote once, and it'd require 25 votes. A safeguard to this would be that a Mod would still have to be the one to mute them. This way players can't abuse it and get them 25 votes and have them automatically muted, and mods can't simply mute anyone they feel like. Mods would still be able to warn anyone though.
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Old 05-27-2008, 03:47 PM   #5
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Someone who breaks the rules often enough that you have to ignore them every time you log a character probably won't be held back by a mute, and ultimately only Glitchless staff can ban players, which they rarely do even if it's reported. A better ignore list might be useful though, I agree (more slots/permanent). The vote idea I like, although it would have to be related to the amount of players currently online (Something between 25-33% since the rest might be lurking and/or not care). Mods with the ability to just go ahead and mute someone on aftershock over nonsense just to deter them are not something I would like. Jesus Christ anyone?
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Old 05-27-2008, 04:07 PM   #6
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Muting does more than you think. After getting muted a few times as a noob for auctioning in shout, I learned to stop doing that. I've accidentally auctioned in shout maybe twice in the past 5 or 6 years. I even got 3 day banned by Jeff once for nuking, so yeah... I'm basing a lot of this on stuff I originally went through. As for abusing it like muting someone nuking, I think my suggestions would prevent that or they deserve it. If you actually do break a rule that is typically enforced then you should be muted regardless if you're on aftershock or not. It's just 1 hour anyway. If you mute them for cussing or some BS reason then I would consider that abusing your powers and /ban. If the mod has a large plex and D*Devs and stuff, then first of all they should know how to defend, and secondly if they want to risk getting all of it banned just to stop a nuker for an hour then they probably shouldn't be a mod in the first place.
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Old 05-27-2008, 04:18 PM   #7
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If they're stupid enough not to listen to the 5 players bitching at them for breaking the rules, then when they do get muted they'll do nothing but wonder why, and the muting with public reason has been tried and failed (I recall things such as "xx muted for being a dumbass"). There are some that even knowing the rules will continue to break them and probably wouldn't stop unless they got a warning from the big guy or a ban.
As for abuse, just because the mod *CAN* get banned for abusing doesn't mean he will nor does it prevent him from causing any damage.
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Old 05-27-2008, 04:22 PM   #8
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I don't think it's being stupid and not listening, I think it's not caring. Muting gives them a reason to care. Maybe have a list of numbered rules, and when they get muted give them a message saying what number rule it's for.
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Old 05-27-2008, 08:57 PM   #9
Lakhnerth Parabol
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No actually. Depending on how much of a troll you are muting doesn't do a thing. It just causes you to begin to find new exploitative ways to spam or circumvent whatever "rule" caused your mute.

Seriously anybody who knows a little about trolling can tell you that.
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Old 05-27-2008, 09:40 PM   #10
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there should also be a lvl requirement so that only experienced players can be mods
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Old 05-27-2008, 10:31 PM   #11
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Originally Posted by Lakhnerth Parabol
No actually. Depending on how much of a troll you are muting doesn't do a thing. It just causes you to begin to find new exploitative ways to spam or circumvent whatever "rule" caused your mute.

Seriously anybody who knows a little about trolling can tell you that.
I agree. And it doesn't take long to make a level 1 character to troll with. You could in fact level a couple at the same time due to the delay even without hotkeys, and even if you ever get banned I'm pretty sure that's easy to circumvent.
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Old 05-28-2008, 03:54 AM   #12
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If your being that much of a fag then Jeff can IP/MAC address ban you or whatever he does. In 7+ years of playing I've yet to see anyone care that much though. Also level doesn't mean experience.
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Old 05-28-2008, 03:56 AM   #13
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sounds interesting like the general idea of it
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Old 05-28-2008, 11:45 AM   #14
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Or maybe you all should remember that most Mods like JC got the power to their head, I mean ****. Plus the Mods can't do **** as most of you already said, and to Soulless on the nuking thing... Get a ****ing brain you retard. If you scam a D*Dev you really think you're going to care if they nuke a 20x20 you own or something around that?
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Old 05-28-2008, 12:34 PM   #15
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Originally Posted by Nicho
Or maybe you all should remember that most Mods like JC got the power to their head, I mean ****. Plus the Mods can't do **** as most of you already said, and to Soulless on the nuking thing... Get a ****ing brain you retard. If you scam a D*Dev you really think you're going to care if they nuke a 20x20 you own or something around that?
JC himself, who you just named, muted people while they tried to nuke him so they couldn't /da. He lost his powers after AFAIK but they didn't go ahead because of it.
Also, your analogy doesn't make any sense. What the **** does abusing mod powers to defend your plex have to do with scamming d*devs?
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Old 05-28-2008, 05:18 PM   #16
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how would you pick mods, it would be a way to give those who have power more
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Old 05-28-2008, 05:38 PM   #17
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well u could do it by vote or something

i dont think people would vote in someone they thought would abuse it

but then again someone could rig the votes with multi char

but it could be a process like tht

single IP vote or something
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Old 05-28-2008, 06:09 PM   #18
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Doug you know aswell as I do that Uber are going to vote ubers, and the wrong people would be picked, it's hard to tell who the fair people are. only way to really pick fair mods would be for jeff to actually watch chat and make the dicisions himself.
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Old 05-28-2008, 06:34 PM   #19
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yeh true man

i knwo tht damien

though if it was rea;lly gonna make a difference i sorry but i would make a proper vote

would i hell want some **** tht would abuse the powers

if they gonan get a privledge should at least u knwo deserve it
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Old 05-28-2008, 07:49 PM   #20
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There's a reason that the ubers would vote for ubers, because most people who aren't ubers these days are complete retards and have no concept of the rules of about how to play the game. However, votes usually turn into popularity contests, and no matter how a vote was done someone would start bitching about it. The only way that everyone would agree was if Jeff chose who to make mods. HOWEVER, a vote could help make a shortlist that Jeff could choose from or something like that.
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