New Dark Essence for D*D(ev)
Old 03-12-2010, 10:41 PM   #1
Posts: n/a
Default New Dark Essence for D*D(ev)

with some people complaining about the new gf system and the "unfair" advantage it gives them in nuking or other areas of rwk, i was struck with an idea, make a new essence to combat the gf's in nuking and in dueling. I suggest the Dark Essence of Cockblocking. when fused into a DDD it becomes the Devil's Cockblocking Deliverance. take some time to laugh at the name, i'll wait...ok, what it does:

1. When waging war or defending in war: any gf's on the opponent that offer kingdom enhancing abilities will be nullified. in other words, if you have a DCD equipped during war, it makes it as if those gf's dont exist, bringing things a little bit closer to the way nuking used to be.

2. Dueling: For each DCD equipped, you get a 10% chance to nullify any gf abilities related to dueling. if it fires succesfully, your opponent will not have a chance to revive, lose those extra resistances, and any other dueling abilities these sluts have to offer. now since it is a stacking relic, obviously if you have a DaD equipped with any other DcDs you will get a 15% chance instead of 10%

all other D*D(ev) propeties apply as normal
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Old 03-13-2010, 06:05 AM   #2
Shawn Bloodlust
Posts: n/a

So basicly, you got bored and started thinking of dicks.

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Old 03-24-2010, 06:37 AM   #3
Posts: n/a

lol, thats hilarious! be carefull if it fires successfully! :O
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