Upon typing /sk into chat, accidentally, instead of /st I was surprised to see that 4 of my skills had been reduced a total of 42 points.
I have no idea when, why or how this could happen...
You do realize that to lose 42 points by unequipping those things he would have had to have atleast 9 equipped and anyone with that many equipped would know what they do... second his char was full 125s and they don't raise skills past 99 so........
Shotgun Opera
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02-26-2010, 08:30 PM
Posts: n/a
Thanks for your misguided input there NS.
My account on S1 has been maxed in it's main skills for a very long time and skills over 99 are not affected by any relics reguardless of amount equipped.
Not to mention I've owned a DsDev suit for more than 8 months....