5th scepter |
05-27-2008, 02:04 PM
5th scepter
make it a choice for final character roll either
A: Kingdom holding 5k kds before corruption 48 hour combo benifit
B: Nuking free /nrage and 0% rune loss any kds under 100 runes are auto couped after 24 hours to avoid corruption and take back the 5x tect/stone/rune strength bonus
either way allow kingdoms to be /burn for ash 1b assets = 1 ash
costs something like dwdev
or throw more goodys and charge a drc set but take alot to make it worth it make sure to atleast give the 9 attacks you would have got from it
Bring back gold value!
Last edited by Lord Sin; 05-27-2008 at 08:57 PM..
05-27-2008, 02:05 PM
Seer's BFF
doug is offline
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Posts: 74
hehe there thts it in the right forum now lol
and yeh it would bring back nucking lol
and probably make gold have a value again
05-27-2008, 03:14 PM
Start nuking and gold will have value. 0% rune loss wouldn't help because it'd keep gold in the server instead of destroying it. Same with adding less corruption, it just adds more gold to the server. By start nuking I mean start the biggest war in RWK history, lasting for months, 20 hours of nuking and defending every day. You'll eventually use up pretty much every bit of gold in the server and it'll become worth more.
05-27-2008, 03:20 PM
Server 2 gold rates have gone up multiple times because of wars. If you want gold value to go up you'll have to spend gold doing it, or pull strings well enough to make everyone else do it. You've had plexes on server 1 where corruption was ridiculously high and no one nuked because they don't want to take risks. Bringing back profit nuking is a double edged weapon, that in my opinion will merely tilt the balance even more in favor of the already biggest players if they bother to nuke.
As for reducing corruption, how is that going to help the gold value? Anyone who could afford it would be making even more gold.
05-27-2008, 08:56 PM
Point is no one nukes... there is no reason for "revenge and expantion" as jeff said
why expand for more corruption... plexs on s1 are not even worth the gold in runes in them reason i keep buying them deruning them and selling the gold to buy more...
revenge requires a reason .... why nuke... and to start a war... over what? by allowing profit nuking back people may actually go out and nuke those plexs of players that have been banned for years and by starting wars for profit... thus making plex holders spend more to deffend thus lowering the amount of kds they can afford to hold or lowering the pay of bezzlers you can pay a bezzler 50% when you only log for 10 min a day.... when you have to deffend over and over and waste full bezzes on deffending it will drain gold fast and lets not forget a few good /fos screws over nukers in a decent plex taking gold from them as well....
point is you can start a big war but on s1 why? there is no reason at all just log pay your bezzlers and leave... maybe log on the weekend to sell the gold
why would i waste my income nuking to raise gold prices for someone who does nothing?
also to nuke... with no rune loss... 999b for tect.... 1t for nuking funds destroyed.... only gold that stays in the game is what you take... 2t/hr is still gone now 2t x 10 people over 7 hours per week.... 70t vs now.... no one nuking.... maybe 1 or 2 people.... 1 or 2 hours a week.... so on the high side 4 hours 2t in nuking costs.... 2t in damage people dont even add full armies or forts to repair if at all just rebuild a wall and know the person wont bother wasting another 2t of his gold for nothing in return
Last edited by Lord Sin; 05-27-2008 at 09:01 PM..
05-27-2008, 09:15 PM
i agree with soulless if the gold value increases because of littlie gold the kings with tons of gold will be in control of the entire plane their on if not the entire server
05-27-2008, 11:11 PM
I'm gonna go ahead and paste this wall of text that I typed up. There's no tl;dr version unless anyone actually cares and wants one.
I'm not strongly for or against profit nuking, but I see a number of problems with its implementation:
-Banned plexes = easy gold. Instead of less gold now you'll have even more gold floating around due to 90% corruption plexes of 20s-50s that can easily be nuked overnight.
-Costless defense. If you're online and retake kingdoms as they are overthrown, since you don't lose runes you can continue to waste the attacker's time and not even lose gold other than what you spend repairing armies and forts.
After a while of thinking, these could easily be worked around and the other consequences aren't that bad. It's a war game after all. However, I would suggest:
-Keep /nr and attack damage the way it is.
-Make rune loss stay at 90% outside aftershock, and be 20% + defender's corruption when you're in aftershock (The aftershock requirement is to stop abuse from defenders). For example if they have 2500 kingdoms (30% corruption) you'd only get 56% of the runes. The 20% is a very low penalty, but it means you can't just spend 3t and take out entire large plexes. The second penalty to avoid extreme profit and because otherwise, holding more than 1000 kds is like asking to get nuked. Also, rune loss on anything above 150 runes should skyrocket kind of like corruption does past 2500 to avoid extreme profit nuking (up to 10 times what you spend if you find some 999s and it's 0-20% loss).
-Although I don't really like it, characters with under 500 kingdoms or something should always cause 90% loss. This means if you want to completely take out someone you have to actually prepare for war. It also stops nukers from raping newbie plexes for profit. Like I said, it's not something I would expect from the old RWK, but I guess change is sometimes necessary. It would still be more hardcore than it is now.
-Stone essence functionality changed to make all runed kingdoms under the character have the defense of 100s for an hour, and 100% rune loss for the next 4 day changes or, preferably, 96 hours. This means that with current income rates although you could keep up a permanent effect on all of your characters, you'd not want to because of the cost, even if you have 2500 on each. Doing it on a "wall" character doesn't really protect much behind it because nukers can just nuke through them and then get to the "profit" part. However, this allows you to make yourself a tougher target during actual war as you make the cost of getting nuked a lot higher while still not making it impossible if they have more gold and nuke better than you defend. For this change to really work, I believe it would also be necessary to make it so the last person to have hit you the hour you stoned loses his aftershock but can recover it by dropping another tect. This means you can't just tect once and hit half the server and make everyone stone, although it's a fun thing to do I find it to be imbalanced specially when you can't hold many kingdoms unless you use several characters. Also, I have reasons to believe the rune damage from tects was mostly to make it easier to skip walls, however I think this rune damage should be nullified but the kingdom should lose 100% of its armies, which better achieves the skip effect while making things easier to balance. Ultimately if you tect a 999 runer and actually get to it, if it's got 0 armies you're going to take the kingdom anyway. There's no reason to whine about not being able to make 80 people stone in one hour using one tect because to take away your aftershock they'll have to spend a stone, which is already more expensive than a tect sometimes. It's a pretty fair balance in my opinion, with the attacker still having a slight advantage.
Other changes I also suggest to tects and stones, aside from what's mentioned before...
-Major assault changed to (cost x runes) instead of (cost x 10) for anything above 30 runes. It should be a more progressive change from 0 to 30 so that it makes sense and doesn't make certain amounts of runes useless (ie avoiding the 30 rune cost by making 29s. It should be close to the same as 30s, but not the same). This would make a huge difference when nuking higher runed kingdoms because it means even if one person is repairing against the nuker, they will have to spend a fair bit of gold before achieving anything, and they'll have to be fast enough due to repping much lower amounts. This means you can have high runed kingdoms that will be time consuming to nuke, but won't be effortless and near free to defend, which also reduces the effectiveness of just making huge spikes instead of actually taking out plexes. If you play s1 and don't get what I mean you should kill yourself right now.
-While under the effects of Citadel, you are not affected by major assault. This means if a nuker uses both a stone and a tect, you won't be able to stop him by just using a tect yourself and then going to nuke other people (this of course if the other ideas about changing stones/tects aren't implemented).
I think if all these changes were made, you'd be able to nuke for fun for very cheap if you can find someone offline for a few hours, while not being able to just completely wipe people off the map for practically free unless they're retarded. I don't feel like doing any more thinking right now so... discuss. I know it may seem a bit off topic at times, but in a good game everything's related, or should be.
05-28-2008, 11:55 AM
Crab Defiler
Nicho is offline
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Posts: 50
Just putting my word in, but another D*Dev for 5th scepter would probably make it so people don't want to buy it. I would say make it like 3 ToTFs or 2 ToTFs and 2 kds rune bank full.
05-28-2008, 12:31 PM
I would say just balance the game without necessarily making people spend money, but whatever works.
05-28-2008, 02:53 PM
it may be a large boost of gold in the beginning until all the crap is cleared out but afterwards it would go down fast and as for the large plex holders only getting more powerful... anyone with 2 tril to blow can suddenly be a large problem for a large plex holder as he dosnt just blow his 2t and have done nothing to speak of... he can make 3t off that... then go for another hour or 2 its all just a matter of strategy of knowing when to nuke and how ... easily learned with a little practice... and the /burn command would eliminate forts/armies/trs/food down to 0 and cost enough to make that large plex holder rebuild... costing more to repair... and ditching the 5x tect/stone/rune bonus would take it back to where 20s are nukable in a hour without a tecton and clean off a very large number of crap plexs making alot of gold each day.... you can build a plex for 10b a kd... 1b armies 1b forts little food 2 runes... and collect intrest... pays for itself in under a month... and there are several of these plexs that have been around for years
and scepters are the biggest most desired part of the game... it was built around kingdoms... the rest is just something to do while you wait so it dosnt seem so turn based... make it cost a reasonable bit....
basicly point is profit nuking eliminates the gap between a large plex holder making 14t a day and a random person who just got a tecton from a beast kill... then either could do a large bit of damage if they did things right
or better yet... just remove all updates to the way it was and the way it worked great! 3/8/2005 remove everything starting there...
Last edited by Lord Sin; 05-28-2008 at 03:29 PM..
05-28-2008, 03:36 PM
so basically you're saying you want no one to be able to hold a plex?
basicly point is profit nuking eliminates the gap between a large plex holder making 14t a day and a random person who just got a tecton from a beast kill... then either could do a large bit of damage if they did things right
why would people even plex in the first place if they had no advantage over some random noob? seriously now if this idea happened i'd go buy 1t on s1 and wipe out your entire plex and everyone elses with it... then what? you're also assuming people would nuke each other in the first place. it's not like nuking is impossible the way it is, just you and no one else wants to do it.
you can build a plex for 10b a kd... 1b armies 1b forts little food 2 runes... and collect intrest... pays for itself in under a month... and there are several of these plexs that have been around for years
lawl, are you really that poor or ****ty of a nuker along with everyone else that you can't nuke 1's? you aren't wanting balance or anything, you're just too greedy to waste gold nuking. try playing for fun where you go nuke someones plex and you get to see them cry about it and then you get to defend as he fails at nuking back.
05-28-2008, 04:18 PM
if there was no rune loss you'd have to be on 24/7 or else i'd profit nuke your entire plex, no matter what the rune count.
you think nuking 1's and 2's is expensive? i dont even know what to say here except maybe stop muling gold and use it?
bezzlers cost too much? bez yourself then.
it's not "worth it" to nuke because you're a greedy retard. if all you're focused on is making money and what the gold rate is then you're going to end up with what s1 is now. a bunch of massive plexes and no nuking and everyone kissing each others ass.
why should it only cost an initial start of a few trill gold to nuke out hundreds of trill of someone elses? that makes no sense unless you want an unbalanced game.
05-28-2008, 04:28 PM
why would i waste my gold... to raise rates for others who do nothing... thats not greed... its comon sense... and i have... remember our last little war... pretty much me vs you and raid... nothing changed... why... because we are not the ones selling... and you cant nuke bezzlers making 50%
i make 7t a day... in the past 4 months... ive sold 4t... i buy little or nothing with gold it goes to my plexs or nuking... lecturing the wrong people on greed... and unless we force people to change it wont happen make the people with large plexs save up or spend gold to deffend... sell less... or pay bezzlers less... inturn they sell less
right now we have nothing and s1 sucks
Last edited by Lord Sin; 05-28-2008 at 04:32 PM..
05-28-2008, 04:42 PM
Unknown] Lord Sin: FREE tectons.... all you have to do is nuke i dont care who.... must have atleast 3rd scepter... pm me!
this offer stands to anyone on s1... just pm me.... but i already know it wont happen
05-28-2008, 05:36 PM
Our "war" was a joke. RaiD and us combined only lost about 6k 2s and the rest was a few 20s (20 of them tops), some of the stuff he was holding wasn't even his. You can't expect to change the gold rate by nuking a few 2s, you have to nuke out real plexes, and a lot of them. You can hold up to 2500 kds on every character before expanding becomes worthless. You don't need to hire bezzlers, if you've got the time to nuke then you've got the time to bez a good number of kds. If you nuke people who do hire them, less gold is floating around and there are less bez jobs available thus decreasing their payrolls. It would take a while before anything changed on s1, and a ****load of gold, but it's not literally impossible. If you've got enough resources and play your cards right then there won't be anyone "having their gold worth more for nothing" for long. If you don't have enough gold to nuke them then build a bigger plex than them, buy gold, bezz for other people, whatever works. If you're too lazy to get the **** together then the problem is not within game mechanics. If you don't like your gold not selling without you doing anything then I'd like to remind you that this is a game and although selling stuff for money is allowed it's not the main focus.
This is not to say that I've changed my mind about my previous suggestions; the game could use a bit of shaking up granted it's in the right direction.
05-28-2008, 09:14 PM
You keep saying there's no reason to nuke anyone, and you keep telling us that there is a reason to nuke people.
Also, you tell us that you don't want to raise the gold rate for other people, only for yourself. I'd call that greed. Unfortunately, the two are linked, if you want to raise the gold rate for your gold, you're going to have to raise everyone else's too.
Nuking banned plexes isn't going to help, the gold invested in those isn't going anywhere, profit nuking them would just create more gold and worsen the problem.
If you want to make the gold worth more, the simple solution is to make less of it. As stupid as it sounds, that's all it comes down to. I have no idea of the state of kingdoms over on S1, but I assume they're mostly highly runed. But you spoke of badly built plexes making lots of easy gold. If there's badly built plexes making gold, I suggest you nuke those first, it costs you less than nuking maxed 100's or whatever and it will destroy income, and if the person wants to build another one there's more gold being used up.
05-29-2008, 04:07 AM
You claimed the s1 probably has enough gold to 50 rune every kingdom in every plane. Well then do it. That'll get rid of a lot of muled gold. Dont have enough chars? Drop stones for DD's to scepter more. Gets rid of more gold. Other people besides you selling gold and hiring bezzlers? Nuke them out. You dont really have to do it in that order but the end result is a ****load of gold getting used and you controlling 99.99% of the gold made in the game so you can set the gold rate at whatever you want.
05-29-2008, 01:26 PM
Way to much stocked gold now, a huge nuke war should break out on S1 that would rock 
05-29-2008, 05:53 PM
Everyone keeps saying it would be great for a war to happen.. well someone's got to start it, it may as well be you.
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