Few Kingdom Questions:
Old 12-17-2009, 06:29 AM   #1
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Default Few Kingdom Questions:

First off, I apologize for asking such dumb questions but they have been sitting in my mind lately.

1: Runes
I read they give a 10% boost to defenses? If this is true does that mean the bonuses make it 20%/40%?(CSoV/Transcend or DRC) or does it make it as if you were going up against 2x/4x as many runes?

I know this sounds like the exact same question however it brings in odd numbers of runes vs even numbers.

DwD halves the "effective value" of runes. I would assume this means if you had 10 runes, it would be 5. With CSoV or Transcend/DRC 10, and with both 20?(or respective %'s)

My question on odd runes: If you have 11, with nothing would this revert to 5, or 6, or does it decimal to 5.5? But with CSoV or Transcend it would be 22... so halved to 11. and with both 44 halved to 22 so the extra 1 would not be any different than being even?

2: Nuking order.
Simple enough, when you attack a kd with NO runes, what is your plan of attack? Trb X times, then Catapult X times, then hit with Sol/Arc? Trb until low enough then hit with everything?

I've been verrrry slowly but surely Trb'ing down to ~400 armies then hitting with Everything. Very cheap, but a little slow... advice would be great, especially on runed kds.

3: Seed formula.
I'm good with math, but the memorization of formulae is a weakness of mine. What is the formula for Forts/Armies, and the one for Population?

I figure current * kms * hours = goal, However I am having massive brain lock on how I find out hours. Tip of the tongue, etc. I'm feeling old at 23 :/

4: Costs of services.

Average pay expected for runners per 100 kds?
Aveage pay % of a bezzler with only Surface+Lungs?

Thanks in advance for any help here.

Last edited by Sarion; 12-17-2009 at 07:23 AM..
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Old 12-18-2009, 03:32 PM   #2
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1. Nobody truly knows the exact code besides jeff, but can be asumed the items "double the effectiveness of runes" or "halves the effectiveness of runes" so 10 would feel like 20 but with dwd would feel like 10. If you have never nuked before these items came out then its even harder to "feel" them.

2. There are a couple nuking guides out there, here is one I know of War

3. I think it is the same as interest (possibly minus collectia, etc) Hours on forts/armies can ONLY be 1. Unlike tres, they MUST be walked hourly to gain, they do not compound like interest.

4. Depends on the person. I pay my bezler around 50%. Also comming for it to be 100m/kingdom, etc.
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Old 12-18-2009, 07:08 PM   #3
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Thanks a ton NS Very helpful.
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