Bring Back Monks
So I've heard Monks were overpowered, so other classes were boosted. The problem is that they were boosted so much that monks are completely worthless now it seems.
For being the -hardest- class in the game to make good, it seems unfair they are not at least on equal ground(if not higher) than the easier classes.
Add a Monk relic for Cnt similar to Brain Swell/Shirt Ripper.
All other classes benefit from Demo and Earthen, monk ONLY Benefit from Crystal/Shadow or all the way down to DCC/DRO. Now factor in that boost PLUS a relic that DOUBLES their primary stat(or even the Supers, which offer massive boosts). Monks have DotB, or DD's(which all classes have).
Add a Monk Warder/Squire Minion/Familiar item.
As it stands Fighters get Coif(4x Dex) Casters get Cloak(4x Cnc). Now add in the easy to obtain Warder(50x Str, 3x Dex) and Minion(25x Ntl, 2x Cnc) or the Beast Drop Squire(100x Str, 5x Dex, 20% Resist) and Familiar (50x Ntl, 3x Cnc, and 10% Resist) and Monks get... Fists. Which offer a "modded" +30 MD which is worthless overall.
Monks NEED at -least- a Beast item available with a Cnt and Agi modifier, Resist would be nice too.
Those are just 2 major things that really harm Monks and would make them at least somewhat competitive.