rt and item prices
Old 07-11-2008, 01:15 PM   #1
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Default rt and item prices

i think that you should cut down on the item prices for one lol because some people are crafters and like like or even want to make some good stuff to begin with. and the weapons should also be cut down on some prices i see some very high priced weapons and i know that i wil never be able to get them and if i do then i wil find them so u hould lower the price on weapons to. and now for the RT i think that you should give full RT for all players so like a standard account has 2 hours correct? well instead of everyday u get 1 hour they shouls get 2 for a full thing of it and for a reg it does not matter becasue they will have 1hour anyhow. another thing about RT is people just dont like it at all it cuts us down on fun time so u can only train for a little while and that is not good at all ya sure the game might be getting a lot of players but they are likely to leave becasue of tyhe rest time so mabe you should get rid of the you will get lower exp because you are out of RT now the items do not matter because who cares about them the just want to level up and get strong i would say put a poll up for all players and tell them to vote over what i just said and i bet you that they will aks for the items to be lowered and the RT taken away becasue it seems that you dont want us to play the game with the RT...
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Old 07-11-2008, 02:44 PM   #2
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Wrong forum
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Old 07-11-2008, 04:36 PM   #3
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Originally Posted by darkmoor
i think that you should cut down on the item prices for one lol because some people are crafters and like like or even want to make some good stuff to begin with. and the weapons should also be cut down on some prices i see some very high priced weapons and i know that i wil never be able to get them and if i do then i wil find them so u hould lower the price on weapons to. and now for the RT i think that you should give full RT for all players so like a standard account has 2 hours correct? well instead of everyday u get 1 hour they shouls get 2 for a full thing of it and for a reg it does not matter becasue they will have 1hour anyhow. another thing about RT is people just dont like it at all it cuts us down on fun time so u can only train for a little while and that is not good at all ya sure the game might be getting a lot of players but they are likely to leave becasue of tyhe rest time so mabe you should get rid of the you will get lower exp because you are out of RT now the items do not matter because who cares about them the just want to level up and get strong i would say put a poll up for all players and tell them to vote over what i just said and i bet you that they will aks for the items to be lowered and the RT taken away becasue it seems that you dont want us to play the game with the RT...

what is with retards these days? i mean come on.. it's not that hard to come up with 1T for an earthen
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Old 07-11-2008, 07:39 PM   #4
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Originally Posted by Nicho
what is with retards these days? i mean come on.. it's not that hard to come up with 1T for an earthen
People's lack of ability to read cease to amaze me each and every day. He is talking about Nodiatis that's why I said wrong forum. This is not related to RWK in any way shape or forum except Glitchless made both games.

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Old 07-12-2008, 01:53 AM   #5
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if you read more than the first 2 sentences its easy to tell he was talking about Nod...
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Old 07-15-2008, 09:13 AM   #6
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good job there nicho. way to show your intelligence....
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