SoSe deals or price cuts... |
11-24-2009, 07:33 PM
SoSe deals or price cuts...
I know in the past there have been a great many SoS/SoSe deals. Some involving DD's!
Well apparently this last one caused quite a stir with people with far too much time and money on their hands, who thought it unfair to bestow such a gift on newer players.
Since when are deals fair? Has no one bought a TV that dropped to 50% off the following week on a sale? Or bought a car that the next month they made 0% APR, no down payment?
In this economy, people are struggling. In RWK, the population is shrinking.
I definitely think that more deals (such as simply SoS, SoSe with no added perks, and going back to selling D*D's straight up) are a great way to go in enhancing the game further for more people unable to drop thousands on a game during a massive recession.
Right now SoSe would cost about as much as a used car, or 3-4+ months of in a decent apartment. At $250 it offers people with a little more of a harsher budget to experience and enjoy all of the game. This isn't going to suddenly make a bunch of new Acumen winners, but I am sure it would make a lot more access players(which means long term, likely to invest in Super Relics and DD's) and also appeal to those of us with a family, but not such a great income.
Another idea, would be to simply cut prices in half. Right now prices on items are the same as when they came out (except I think TSM is $50 not $100?). No matter how I look at it, spending a solid $100 for Skill Potencifier or Quickening or Beast Bane... dropping $50 for SoA and SoFR... it is VERY intimidating. I'm married with a 10month daughter, I can't throw down $100 all at once, repeatedly. With the age of the game, isn't it time to maybe cut down a little bit? Even 75% costs would make a world of difference. In a time where $100 seems like a small fortune(compared to years before, when it was easy to splash cash) making it a little easier to swallow the hits would be greatly appreciated. It's a lot easier to shell out $25 here and $50 there, instead of $50 here and $100 there. Leaving DD's at $250 is fine due to their nature but the rest is basically required to truly enjoy the game.
Either way, just something to think about. Love the game regardless, just wish I could get more out of it without sacrificing food on the table for basic amenities.
11-25-2009, 06:24 AM
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Northern Silence is offline
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Posts: 380
If you dont like the price of SP/BB then dont buy it. can get your SOS for cheap and enjoy the game on a buget. Nobody says you have to have everything or nothing. Thats why the game is seperated in items of $50/$100. Every item adds an enhancedment. It is like buying an expansion to a hard copy video game, each expansion costs money and adds new features, Except in RWK you can still enjoy the game %100 without the expansions.
11-27-2009, 03:11 PM
Typical game expansions cost $10-$20 not $50-$100 per micro-installment.
BB and SP are required for SoSe.
SoSe is required to be worth anything as Fighter/Caster on Beasts (or APoS for Archer).
BB is required for beasts basically. Sometimes you can get to an undesirable beast that has been killed by most by porting, but not likely. Beasts are a very large part of RWK.
Not saying to make them free, just a little lower or a new deal out. Some people -want- to enjoy the whole game (125 skills, 4th scepter, beasts, Sky Shrine/Mines) but can't afford to spend so much at one time. I hate to say economy again but that's the truth. Two years ago it'd be no problem to buy full SoSe piece by piece, now those of us who got hit by the job market cannot. Just sucks is all :P There have been a LOT of packages, I don't see why having more is not a good idea for anyone but people who already spent it.
01-15-2010, 01:07 PM
I beasted for quite a while off of an SoS, just have to have SoA at least and learn how to teleport fast. Sure the ubers were a bit tougher but as NS said you dont have to have everything or nothing. Now I'm not entirely disagreeing, the package deals have brought many into the game in fact thats the whole reason I got trans/tempy but I hardly think dropping the prices would be worth Jeffs time when he probably isnt making much off of things like SP and BB anymore. Just be thankful for the package deals he has offered, I'm sure they will come up again.
01-15-2010, 01:17 PM
As a side thought, your note about the prices being the same as when the game first came out. I think stable prices over an 8 year span is a good thing, considering since then the price of everything from groceries to gas has gone sky high, its just normal inflation. If anything think of it as luck that the prices haven't been inflated. The only sure thing about any recession is that it will end.
01-15-2010, 04:14 PM
Well of course, but as necessities rise in price, people have LESS for throwing at video games. For example look at the -average- family and ask how many would whimsically buy a PS3 now vs 2 years ago. They are cheaper now (about half price) and still most bought them before and cannot now.
With this game if the prices went up the game would be even more dead than it already is. As we stand now, the population is tiny and while new people trickle in, very few ever intend to spend money because the prices are, and I quote "outrageous" and "ridiculous".
Now being that I've done all this before, I understand the costs, while high, are not TOO high as to not be worth playing.
We do need some package deals though. Maybe roll BB/SP/SoA into one purchase pack for $150 or something. Make us jump to spend cash like the old DD deals.
01-15-2010, 09:58 PM
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Northern Silence is offline
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Maybe once you own an sose, you will understand the game more.
You do not need SoSe to be a good beaster. You can kill DE's with a fully transfered and equiped caster/fighter... ubers can be even easily killed with less equipment, I kill ubers all day long on my SoS/BB chars...
If you dont like the prices, then don't pay. This game is not made for kids who can only afford $5. If youw ant that then go Play WoW for $15/month.
01-16-2010, 07:11 PM
Crazy prices are not justifiable by pushing off other games.
Not everyone wants to play a boring ass class.
And "kids" has nothing to do with not having thousands to blow on a silly game. Some of us have responsibilities.
Last edited by Sarion; 01-17-2010 at 01:57 AM..
01-17-2010, 03:16 PM
Gem Pouch Expert
Northern Silence is offline
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Posts: 380
Like I said, if youc an't afford it, dont play. RWK has always had a high priced economy, be glad gold is $3-4 a tril instead of $20 for a tril like it was not even 3 years ago. and $20 for 1bil before that.
Enjoy the price cuts you have already gotten due to the economy of the game. Item prices should not and probably will not ever change. If anything they should go up due to inflation.
02-10-2010, 12:15 AM
I didn't care enough to read anything but the original post but almost everything Sarion has said is what I remember learning in high school business classes. I'm 99.99% sure that nothing will change, but thanks for the post Sarion. And Glitchless, yeah....
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