If we made the walls higher we would also need to affect archers and trebuchets heighth and tragectory of their firing to make them effective enough.I also think that we should get some new great upgrades for our infantry.For example normally a warrior couldnt take on five others by itself, but if we gave it durability armor it would last much longer and kill more.It would also work for guards, as guards with more health last longer in other words it could up the morale of the people more.
Also another thing that would up our armies is letting you tame beasts as a beast could kill maybe 20 soldiers but if equiped with some beast armor its kills would equal 40. Taming a flying beast for your army could drop rocks or breathe fire on the castle's army thus decreasing the effect of enemy archers and trebuchets. And then creating a disease in a kd would be bad but, if you could send the sick flying at the enemy it would destroy enemy warriors thus increasing the degree on which wars were fought.Taming would be a skill that only a King at at least lvl 100 would beable to use but taming would also depend on how much health a beast has to make it easier to tame, but the less health it had when it was tamed the less effective it would be in battle thus making Kings wanting to have the taming skill at a high lvl before taming a beast.Then crafted armor for beasts would take a skill of 500 iron crafting and relic infusing to make the armor more effective but would also take 1billion gold to craft and buy the armor.Then to have a beast(s) in your army your people's morale would have to be at 98% at the least.Then using a beast to guard your kingdom would cost 2 billion gold at the least but it would be 100 times more effective as a yoro.
P.S. plz excuse me for any misspellings
Last edited by keg979; 05-27-2008 at 08:03 PM..
Reason: needing to add