i can sell any number of rows up to 24, in a 40 runed plex of 186x24
186 kd x .042 T / kd = 7.8T per row ... selling for $3.50/T u get the kds free
ends up being $27 a row
selling other plexes...
- 13x119 = 1547 kds 20 runed
1547 kd x 0.022 T / KD = 34T selling for $3.50/T so $119
- 17x119 = 2023 kds 4 runed ... selling for 8b per maxed kd plus liquid = 14b per kd
2023 kd x 0.014 T / KD = 28.3T selling for $3.50/T so $100
- will split in half and sell for $50 for 8x119 or $55 for 9x199
- 20 x 119 = 2380 kds varying runes in this plex... average is 15
selling for 20b per kd
2380 kd x .02 T / KD = 47.6T selling for $3.50/T so $165
-will split in halves for $70 each 10x119
selling 4x186 = 744 kds plex 4 runed
15b per kd.
744 kd x .015 T / KD = 11.16 T selling for $3.50 / T so $39
selling 5x5 hell corner 000 hel 000 100 runed
selling for $50
pm lardinho or reply here
Last edited by Raistlin Drakan; 07-07-2008 at 11:37 PM..