New Penalty For Massing Kingdoms
Old 06-26-2008, 10:05 AM   #1
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Posts: 321
Default New Penalty For Massing Kingdoms

Kings with over 5,000 kingdoms will now have their kingdom assets decay. The same assets that gain hourly from kingmanship will decay hourly (prior to kingmanship being computed). For every 10,000 kingdoms you have over 5,000 you will lose 1% of your assets per hour. So a king with 6,000 kingdoms will only lose 0.1% per hour which they won't even notice since their kingmanship interest (assuming high kingmanship) even with corruption will be enough to overtake the loss. Players with 10's of thousands of kingdoms however will notice a degradation.

Furthermore, players with over 5,000 kingdoms will not receive messages that are triggered by walking kingdoms unless the kingdom being walked has over 100 runes. This is to prevent people from using cheap kingdoms as beacons for detecting map activity.
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