Easiest and cheapest way for upgrading Chantcrafting is to go to an area with more chances for drops. Fight lowest mobs that drop 10g items and look for *calling of cara*. Get as many as you can then go back to your kingdoms and Disenchant. You need a rune to either enchant or disenchant to start off with. Disenchant the *cara* Item, sell the *cara* relic and put a rune back in your kingdom. Reapeat until it becomes trivial for that set and fight the next monster on the list.
If you have TSM already and can craft relics relatively easily, you can then craft 20,000g items such as damage cap, damage shield, confusion, annulment. Craft a few of one of these until you can sell one at 1bil. You won't lose any money crafting then selling relics. Then you won't be just looking for *Cara* items to replace the rune. It's easier when relic crafting is trivial, you can then just find any 20,000 base relic drop, craft more of them, Disenchant, then sell the ones you crafted for no net loss. Seems a little tricky, but you want to make sure you can sell them at 1bil before you disenchant, otherwise you will lose money. Just stick to *Cara* if you want to make it easy.
Kind of pointless to chantcraft if you don't have TSM, that means no trivial for any item as you need 25 for trivial for rags and Chantcrafting cap is 10 without. Also pointless to enchant low level armor unless you have a lot of eternal relics and want to move them.