Tweak nuking and active defense
Old 06-24-2008, 09:31 PM   #1
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Default Tweak nuking and active defense

I am positive that active kingdom defense needs to be nerfed, in a way...
Buff major assault! Currently the cost of repairing under major assault is 10x regardless of how many runes are in the kingdom. I believe this should be changed so that it's not trivial and near costless to repair higher runed kds. If you try to repair 10 runers with the 10x cost you're wasting your time, and if you try to nuke a 40 runer with someone repairing you're wasting your time. What I propose is that cost is changed so that it starts at 1x the cost, then every 2 runes up to 20 add a factor of 0.5, then every rune up to 50 adds a factor of 1, and past 50 your runes "become unstable" and you cannot repair the kingdom unless you take some out. With this implemented, you could have a decent balance for attacking and actively defending medium runed kds. Low ones will still fall very fast even with a lowered cost, and higher ones will actually take effort to keep alive. You can then choose between having a very high passive defense from high runers that will take time to nuke even if you're not online, having less powerful kingdoms that you can still actively defend efficiently, or very weak ones that are extremely hard to defend but yield a higher profit to investment ratio.
Also, make it so you can't craft EEoTs or EEoGTs out of kingdoms that are under assault so that you can't simply wait until the last attack and craft an EEoT out of your 50 runer. You'd have to take runes out with commands such as /da which is significantly slower.

And there should also be improvements to attacking:
I believe it should be possible to gain additional attacks per hour by dropping extra tects. Every time you drop a tect after your first one, your total attack count could go up by the number you normally have (For example if you have 9 attacks per hour, then you would gain 9 more with every tect you drop). Then it's possible to actually really nuke high runed kingdoms without having to wait extra hours for attacks, and you can get past defenders by attacking enough or surprising them with an extra tect in middle of the hour to retake half down kds that you had nowhere else to attack from. It also grants flexibility allowing you to more easily change direction of your nuke or even nuke in several directions at once in stronger runed kingdoms that you can currently. All this without making it significantly cheaper or faster to do the attacks themselves; the only gold you save is the 10 runes for enraging on each kd, and the initial armies. Finally, this makes it so camping to retake kingdoms isn't such a terribly good strategy to defend with because the defender would run out of attacks before the attacker unless he spends an equal amount of tects. If combined with the aforementioned major assault buff, this would make nuking stronger plexes actually viable; Overall, while I think high runed kingdoms should take more gold and effort to nuke, this should be made feasible with someone defending as opposed to forcing you to nuke when no one is online, and at no other time. And this is coming from someone who builds all his serious plexes with 50 runes.
On another subject (kind of), if I'm not mistaken the rune loss and army damage from tects is meant to be used in skipping rune walls. This would be better achieved by just making them drop armies to 0 and keep runes intact, which if coupled with the suggested tweak to major assault it would make it much easier to skip through a wall with someone on. Remember that a kingdom with 0 armies will be overthrown upon attack even if you get ambushed.
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Old 06-25-2008, 03:58 AM   #2
Posts: n/a

Each tect you drop adding your base number of attacks seems high. 50% sounds better to me personally. Also a side effect you didn't mention is that this would allow people with no DRC to gain extra attacks. This would make it easier for team nuking if you lacked DRC's but had gold to spare, or if you were just a lone nuker and never wanted to invest $1k in a DRC and just wanted to rent/buy a DwD and drop an extra tect per hour for more attacks.
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Old 06-25-2008, 04:03 AM   #3
Posts: n/a

Well I guess that's why it goes off base attacks, so those with DRC get more boost. Perhaps w/o DRC it could be 2 attacks boost, w/ DRC 4, or something like that.
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Old 06-25-2008, 04:14 AM   #4
Posts: n/a

Originally Posted by Diashan
Each tect you drop adding your base number of attacks seems high. 50% sounds better to me personally. Also a side effect you didn't mention is that this would allow people with no DRC to gain extra attacks. This would make it easier for team nuking if you lacked DRC's but had gold to spare, or if you were just a lone nuker and never wanted to invest $1k in a DRC and just wanted to rent/buy a DwD and drop an extra tect per hour for more attacks.
I don't think 100% is overpowered but you've got a point, perhaps it should only add attacks if you have DRC equipped, and require it to stay equipped.
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Old 06-25-2008, 04:47 AM   #5
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Other than that I agree with everything. This would help s1 out a lot, but would also add some fun to s2 for people wanting to nuke Hades xD
Also how would stones work in response to the tects? 1 stone would basically cancel out any benefit of multiple attacks. Maybe first stone adds 2x rune defense instead of 10x or whatever it is, then every stone after that halves your /rep cost assuming the higher rep costs above were also implemented. 2 tects on 50's having 18 total attacks, plenty of attacks to nuke through them with ease, and then defender would have 40x rep cost. 1st stone makes it like they're nuking 100's which is pretty hard in comparison to 50's, not sure how 18 attacks would do against them though but you should still be able to nuke through a couple of them. 2 stones would bring the rep cost down to 20x normal which is still quite a bit, but if nuking is strong enough then it might be worth it.

Another idea for changing rep cost for major assault is to just make it equal the number of runes. 20 runes = 20x rep cost, 50 runes = 50x rep cost.
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Old 06-26-2008, 07:05 AM   #6
Posts: n/a

There should also be a minimum, say below 5 runes it's 5x rep cost or something, then above that it equals rune amount. However this would still make it basically futile to rep low to medium rune counts.

edit: actually, RF's original idea is probably better, it allows for a chance to defend low rune counts, and makes high rune counts harder. btw, I think at 20 runes it would be 5x rep cost, not 10x.

Last edited by Macca123; 06-26-2008 at 07:09 AM..
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Old 06-26-2008, 09:26 AM   #7
Posts: n/a

Also about the tects, taking away it's effect of taking runes away would mean banks couldn't be tected anymore. Perhaps the first tect takes runes away but subsequent ones in that hour don't?
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Old 06-26-2008, 04:26 PM   #8
Posts: n/a

If you are able to get close to the banks you'd still be able to take them down. If they're kind of standalone surrounded by weak kingdoms then it's not always the best idea to tect banks, and most people try to keep their amount of banks at a minimum anyway when they can be bothered.
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