Adding a loan option similar to trading
Loan transactions could be added fairly easily to the current trade system.
The item to loan/rent would be selected, and a player character would be selected, and a loan/rent cost and period of loan/rent also. Then, if both parties agree, the monetary transaction or item cost, in case of treasure items, would be transferred. The loaned/rented item would temporarily change hands for the term declared. The loaned item could not be transferred or destroyed or used in any way that could destroy the item, unless the item has an innate chance to be destroyed when used normally. At the end of the rental term the item would be returned unharmed. It seems like all these changes could be made fairly easily using features very similar to ones we already have.
The upside to the game would be an additional economy that included loans that would be insured by code. As it is loaning an item is very risky and is basically insured by threats of nuking. Although these threats are high level play in RWK item rental/loaning could be easily added to the trade system. People can save their threats for territorial disputes.
Safe rentals might be unrealistic in RWK. The real question is whether being able to safely loan out or rent an item is worth while to the game. And whether the current loan system is adequate.