RWK Server Upgrade & Relocation
Old 02-18-2009, 08:47 AM   #1
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Default RWK Server Upgrade & Relocation

***This is an RWK Notice which will not affect Nodiatis***

We are moving RWK to more powerful and centrally located servers. The move will likely result in 12 to 24 hours of downtime, but performance should be better during big events such as the beast invasions after the Inquests.

The new servers have twice the processing power and memory and will be located in Virginia as opposed to Miami. Because the Virginia datacenter is on a larger internet backbone even people south of Miami may experience better connections due to shorter routes. RWK will still be on the same premium Peer1 multi-homed bandwidth which we believe is the best money can buy.

Thank you for your patience during this move which will likely begin mid-day today.
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