Question about transfering.
I'm trying to transfer a char from fighter to archer, but I find it quite annoying.
My current stats are:
Str: 14,252,589 Dex: -39 Agi: -19
Dur: 1 Ntl: 1 Cnc: 13,047,466 Cnt: 1
and as you can see, I'm starting out with putting it all into Cnc, though, now when all stats are empty except str, it only moves 320 from str to cnc each "click", but the other way around moves about 1900, if I got stats in the others it moves the same as the later. I'm using apex, dadev and also got quickening. These tests was both done with both templar and mesmer (morphed to hope it'd get better).
So my question is; Why is strength so slow, and why isn't cnc? With the current speed, It'd take about 44539,340625 * 2 - 3 clicks to get str totally empty. Which is.. quite alot. >;3
Best regards~
Last edited by Pkzz; 06-16-2008 at 09:18 AM..