Old school server.
A conversation took place on Server1 this evening, that sparked talk of 'the old days'. The times before scepters, all the characters that played etc. All the different things we had to go through like the RDADMS quests when it was introduced, the different beast add-ins. Actual challenging aspects of the game. Now of course people are going to know the quests etc, but the point is: The game is dying in the aspect of nobody plays for the pure enjoyment of the game anymore. People either play to plex, and win acumen, or they want to be like the acumen/plex compet winners.
The proposal I had was opening a server 3. Updates adjusted to the same time frame in which Server 1 recieved them, (considering majority of them were kept track of on the old announcements). Starting out with only dungeon, and sky. The level cap at 75k, or 100k whichever it originally was. Sky/Dungeon droppable for a short time, as well as Lungs. Omega Sanction was the best you could get quest wise for how long? This time instead of making SoS purchaseable for $250 on the buy items page, why not make people quest it? If they want it, make them buy access after the time frame in which planes access is droppable.
Personally I think bringing a server back, that's not ridden with scepters, and D*Dev's and Shadows will spark some interest in not only current players, but new ones and old player as well. Many games have multiple servers, not just 2. A lot of people server jumped to s2 when it was released, so whats the chances in a third server, not being successful, or even more successful than the two current ones?