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Old 01-13-2009, 09:28 PM   #21
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Old 01-19-2009, 02:00 AM   #22
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On a slightly different angle I would like to post the following warnings. I was recently nuked in a manner that is completely unheard of( to me at least) although some other players have said it is normal. Of this I would like some feedback. I have uncorrupt KDs which have been attacked (50s and better) with damage of 43%(and more in following attacks) in 1 attack from 2 KDs away (no assail or beseige). My account is full shadowed with KMS 125 and equipped DRC. I also lost 4 KDs in 1 update and was watching him rep 8B armies and attack in under 1 second. I don't know about the rest of you, but I cannot understand how any of this is possible when playing this game by the rules...please enlighten me
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Old 01-19-2009, 03:00 PM   #23
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hotkeys ftw
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Old 01-19-2009, 04:27 PM   #24
Shawn Bloodlust
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Since when does hotkeys make an uncorrupt 50 drop in 1-2 attacks?

Hotkeys are good, but not that good mate.

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Old 01-19-2009, 09:04 PM   #25
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" I also lost 4 KDs in 1 update and was watching him rep 8B armies and attack in under 1 second."

loose 4 50's no. rep 8b and attack, yes, with hotkeys
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Old 01-20-2009, 11:35 PM   #26
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the 50s were uncorrupt.. and with 1 attack the percent was 53 or w/e.. the rest of the attacks were like 1 - 3 %
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Old 01-24-2009, 04:48 AM   #27
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Originally Posted by bijou666
1. Delete banned chars, set their KD's to nobody with 0 assets.
Banned chars do not take up that much server space and thus don't slow it down by their mere existence, however every time a kingdom is walked its king's account is accessed to check KMS so it can update armies/forts/trs. This does not cause much server load, but could have some small effect. Multiply that by several thousand and it could start to be noticeable. Removing the banned chars would prevent the highly unlikely (damn near impossible) event of someone overloading the server with asset updates. However, if they really wanted to do it, they still could with the kingdoms that already exist.

Setting the kingdoms to nobody with zero assets removes a trivial amount of gold from the game, hardly even worth it. However, it is a small step in the right direction. It would free up more kingdoms for newer players, but the banned characters are mostly off of surface so the new players will likely never see them. As for the argument that there aren't many banned kingdoms on S1... RaiD and DF. 'Nuff said.


3. Delete inactives after a month.
Already been addressed but I will say it again, chars without purchasable upgrades/supers get deleted after six months. No need for number 3 as a character's presence on a server is not having a significant effect on server load unless the character is logged in and doing something. Inactives, by definition, aren't.


4. **GET MODS**.:
Agreed. We could use some mods. However, player mods are not likely to ever see this game again after the rampant corruption, abuse, and power tripping that went down in the JC era. Player mods will never come back with that kind of power again, but perhaps player mods with the ability to warn and, when multiple mods agree, can mute someone. These mutes would not destroy ash like Jeff's, nor would they prevent actions like nuking or bezzling. Requiring multiple mods to mute a player would help to keep each individual mod in check. For this to work, there would have to be enough mods on at any given time to monitor chat. Anyone found evading the mute (yellow nuke messages, using alts) would then be reported to Jeff/senior mods who don't have any player accounts who would have more powerful enforcement capabilities.


5. New gold sinking updates :
A quest item that raises your innate class resists... Jeff liked that idea enough when making the girlfriends to make Rezizthis. However, keep in mind that the classes that often do best in duels are those with the highest class resists. The exceptions to this are Theurgs, which have no resists and would be screwed by an update like this, and Marc, who is just a bastard. This update would only make the current most powerful classes stronger. Also, it would be widely available to the current leaders of the game who can afford to buy tons of tects/stones to get this upgrade on each of their chars, but smaller chars without plexes or a decent source of income would be forced to either A) buy gold from the large plexholders, resulting in the rich getting richer IRL; or B) bezz for the large plexholders, resulting in the rich getting richer IRWK.

Gold sinks should have an effect for all players, all classes. There have been suggestions for a long time about beast spawning via gold - I personally have become generally opposed to such an idea unless it is strictly public, with no option for private outside of ash. However, the final call on something like that would be Jeff's.

Another option is a new special location on surface where players can spend gold for increased ash rushes, similar to the Forbidden Mines. Jeff could tie access to this to SoFR or make a new quest item that only drops on surface, with scaled drop rates that decrease according to level, but can still be purchased via ash or cash. Such a location would greatly benefit new players trying to ash for access, especially once the current high end players get in there and start ashing. Back in the day, the Mines used to be one of the most popular locations in all of RWK, especially when imbued. Only problem there was it could get overcrowded and faster connections would get faster kills. That however is not an issue with RWK, but with ISP's. The Mines are less popular now as the gold gains are significantly lower relative to what people make from kingdoms. The Mines have become trivialized. Ash, however, is not and I do not see that changing for a long time.

Obviously, more powerful players would flock to this as a way to get ash easier - meaning more private beasts and thus more crystals/demonics/earthens/tects/stones/etc, as well as using the ash to upgrade their equipment - meaning those crystals/demonics/earthens all become shadows. However, the most powerful people already have at least one SoSe char with full shadows. What they don't have are DE's, which can't be purchased via ash. This would bring more players up to the SoSe/full shadow range faster, making Acumen more competitive (which is to my own detriment; even though Marc beats me damn near every time, more sose/full shadow chars means I have more potential Acumen threats). It would not mean more D*Dev's - players need a dark essence to make those, and the only ways to get that are to burn supers or get them as a drop. First can't be done with ash, second is incredibly rare - last time I saw it drop was on Clint well over a year ago. It's like SoFR for ubers.

The ash special loc would help even the playing field in terms of individual character strength. It doesn't do much to take gold out of the economy, nor does it take down the large plex holders. In fact, with access being easier, we could have more new players getting access and bezzling, which could strengthen the uber plexers. However, when combined with idea 1/2, it would allow more players to have the kingdoms that are freed up. It would encourage them to start their own plexes. With more kingdom holders available, politics would come back into play and we may even have clans again. Each individual new plex holder would be weak alone, but when they all work together, they can take down the most powerful people.

Steen - don't worry, I still love ya :P if the noobs unite against you I got your back


6. New scepters and other new quest items
READ MY LIPS - NO NEW SCEPTERS. Especially if you're talking about something beyond fourth scepter. As that is a part of SoSe, you would need to make the fifth scepter have SoSe as a requirement. This would obviously benefit a proportionally microscopic amount of players. I'm in favor of new quest items, but only if they help a large portion of the players.

Additionally, another nuking scepter would make nuking even easier. Profit nuking really WOULD be back. I'd derune my entire plex and use that to start nuking anything over 1500 kingdoms, take the gold I made and fix my plex once and for all. Why? Because it's easier than bezzling, and a lot more fun.

As for Dave's nuking problem... that sounds like a serious bug. Repairing armies in a second, that can be done with hotkeys, but 53% damage on a 50 runer with DRC and no corruption and 125 kms and full shadow and fourth scepter? That shouldn't happen. If that was the first hit, I'd be furious. The only thing I can think of that would have such an effect would be if the kingdom got tected - a 50 runer with 100m total defensive assets loses 53% a lot easier than a maxed 50 runer.

Other suggestions... I've made a few on my website, one of which is alluded to above (the ashing special loc). Either way... we need to look not only at how much gold an update will take out of the economy, but who would spend that gold; not only at what a dueling upgrade would effect, but how that effect would translate out to each class and how it would change the dueling dynamics; not only at whether an update would help people, but how many people would be helped.

Each update to RWK is a stone dropped into a pond. It sends ripples outward, representing other, unintended effects. If you're going to suggest an update, try to find those effects. Ask yourself, who can afford this update? How would it affect powerful players? How would it affect weaker players? What negative effects could arise from this?

Think of not only what the update is intended to do, but what players would use the update for. If those uses do not allow the rich to get richer or the current ubers to widen the gap between them and everyone else, if those uses level playing field a bit and give the new groups of players that are coming in a chance, then it's a good update.

As for being nice... not likely to happen anytime soon as there are lots of old schoolers still around who are set in their ways, and even the nicest of us can have our bad days. But as I said, change is a ripple effect. If enough of us start being nicer to new players, perhaps that change in our attitudes will ripple out to other players. It would make a more welcoming environment for new people and they'd be more likely to stay. Some of them might even buy upgrades one day. However, we cannot force people to be nice - that's just mean. It has to start with the individual players. As Gandhi said - be the change you want to see in the world. Want RWK to be nice? Then be nice.

I'm out, See y'all at Acumen.
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Old 01-24-2009, 11:02 AM   #28
Shawn Bloodlust
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I like how you think you're uber, Matt.

I have news for you bud, you aint jack sh*t, but you do have some points.
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Old 01-24-2009, 04:24 PM   #29
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I like how you think your uber too shawn but lets review

anyway many good ideas have been imposed but in the end only 1 person makes the decision. But maybe put together some ideas and have a vote on it? would be productive.
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Old 01-25-2009, 08:05 AM   #30
Shawn Bloodlust
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I like how you're selling out over being nuked NS.

And yes, After reviewing that screenie I see you never got a tect, must mean people don't listen to me eh? =(
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Old 01-25-2009, 05:09 PM   #31
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If you remember right I did get a tect nuked 1 of your kingdoms with it you attacked everything from next kd so I got 2 100 rune kd's from a lvl 500 sur char your 1337

ohh and you had to drop 2 tects to get them back. ./pwned
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Old 01-26-2009, 05:11 AM   #32
Shawn Bloodlust
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Because I was lazy.

And you do know that character trading is illegal, right? You could end up like hades and getting banned if you're not carefull, all it takes is somone who hates you enough
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Old 01-26-2009, 03:28 PM   #33
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where did I say I was selling anything?
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Old 02-02-2009, 01:38 AM   #34
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Both of you, take it to messages or to another thread ok?
This thread is about getting rwk back on track using updates and ideas, NOT nuking each other.
Originally Posted by Nikita
You can say all the horrible things you want about me in here but I'd prefer if you didn't =(


Last edited by Hunters Bane; 02-03-2009 at 09:56 PM..
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Old 05-19-2010, 11:38 AM   #35
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i have an idea,when u get those mods (if u get them) then remove the chat lvl 1 restriction cause spammers would be muted anyways,and remove the lvl 10 restriction for trading, cause it takes so ****ing long time to get lvl 10 xD, the game wont open to them and wont give them any good impression til they leave..
btw this is a good game as someone said on this thread (forgot who) but its kinda poor a bit, so even if u get lotsa players u need to keep them by making this game richer,like those things i put on feedback, i think i could come up with more ways to improve this game later xD
Originally Posted by Ross2424
ok well you said many ways to reduce all the excess players and i like that but i also think we need new players, alot of new players so we get plenty to stick and plenty to overrun the ubers who think they own the game and can run out all the new players, Jeff i propose ADVERTISING RACEWARKINGDOMS AND NOD ON MYSPACE AND FACEBOOK it doesnt have to be permanent as i beleive even a week of advertising will bring in a massive new player base for both servers of rwk and for nod aswell which will increase income for you and allow gold in rwk to be bought up and used by new players trying to grow
btw ross thats a gr8 idea too,but the game needs to be worked on a lil so we keep the masses of ppl,not just getting them and losing them after 1 week xD
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Old 05-19-2010, 04:05 PM   #36
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The trade restriction exists because players abused the mentor system, so it's unlikely we'll see trading below level 10 restored unless the mentor command and it's reward are removed first. That change would be good for RWK and the suggestion has been made more than once but has not been implemented.

Based on negative past experience it seems unlikely that player mods will be brought back, and they really haven't been needed since we got the ignore command anyway. You aren't likely to have more than 20 characters spamming at the same time so it's easy enough to block the occasional idiot bothering you in chat with /ignore.

The game has not seen much change for the past couple years and it appears that it's just not a high priority with Glitchless anymore. It's good to make suggestions, but my guess is that any trivial changes aren't worth the time to implement since they won't give back any return. I'd say that the biggest discouragement to new folks is the monolithic presence of relatively few established players who control much of the game's territory and its economy. I don't see Glitchless making any changes that will affect that situation.
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