I noticed that when one stat got to 1, the total stat transfer remained the same, the only difference is that one stat transfers double the amount per level. Is there a way to control which stat transfers more than the others? right now, my stats are:
STR: 1,403,640
Dex: -19
Agi: 1
Ntl: 1
Cnc: 1,186,707
Cnt: 1
Dur: 11,409,669
Every time I level, I transfer 80 Str, 160 Dur, and 320 Cnc
Is it possible to make it so I transfer 440 Str, 80 Dur, and 80 Cnc instead?
I read on another post that noone has figured out how it works...
Last edited by lord blood; 01-06-2009 at 06:50 PM..