Server Code Enhancement Progress
Old 04-01-2020, 09:13 PM   #1
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Default Server Code Enhancement Progress

Progress continues on streamlining RWK's server side code. The minor fix on the previous Inquest day shaved an average of 5ms off server response time, and we expect we reduce it by another 10ms minimum.

To see what your current average server response time is, you can open up your browser's developer tools while connected to RWK. In Chrome that would be CTRL+SHIFT+I or options, more tools, developer tools. Then go to network and you should see a series of requests and responses to the server. From our CO location, the RWK server response is 58-61ms in zero lag conditions, and can spike to 300ms or more during the lag conditions that we are attempting to eliminate. This is a higher number than comparing to actually pinging the server, which for us is 33-37ms, due to all the overhead involved in our current CGI process launch, request synchronization, data processing, and I/O. Our goal is to get the true server response time as close to the ping time as possible, which is never fully attainable because each RWK request involves a lot of data processing.

It will be interesting to see how much your numbers improve after we complete the patch, hopefully in the coming days. Record your numbers if you like, so you can see for yourself.
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Old 04-04-2020, 10:26 PM   #2
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New server code is now live.

Our results show a reduction of 20ms off of server response time.

Known bugs are `slain by another player` spam when fighting and no commas in some numbers like KD interest yet.

Please let us know if you find any other bugs. A monumental amount of code was changed.
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Old 04-05-2020, 04:15 AM   #3
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The comma and slain by another player errors have been fixed.
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