Add revive/negate to verbose output
Old 03-25-2020, 09:50 AM   #1
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Default Add revive/negate to verbose output

Some or all of this info might be common knowledge to veterans, or maybe it?s just assumed, I had a look and wasn?t able to determine the data with certainty though.

Currently when fighting, unless in inquest, there is no Real way to tell if a negate fired (ruby/ stake to the heart/ negate card) or a revive ( revivia , totf , sose, emerald, totem), except that you aren?t dead after the turn finishes, or cripple (except that you hit like a wet noodle)

I would love to see this output available to be toggled. This will help me understand the order in which things fire, and how they interact with each other.

I can understand if this is kept out of battle text for a reason, but I like the idea of playing the percentages, and that?s hard to do unless I have enough data to know precisely how each mechanic interacts.
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Old 03-25-2020, 10:05 AM   #2
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Laughing At Noobs is offline
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Well first off - none of those are relics, so they wouldn't be displayed by relic verbose descriptions.

Secondly - if you're focused on reading the text of every relic when they fire and you press attack/cast, you're probably going to lose.

C) The way duels work in acumen vs regular duels is different, so you can't test your hypothesis out in one front and expect to win acumen since your formula worked

IV : RNG is your friend and enemy at all times

P.S. the game is more of trial and error rather than my buddy Jeff giving you all the data for exploitation. Not to say **** can't get exploited (GMB for 15+ years) (Totf suit + VAS for 12+ years).

Next up - Know this: Gems fire last
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