Add revive/negate to verbose output
Some or all of this info might be common knowledge to veterans, or maybe it?s just assumed, I had a look and wasn?t able to determine the data with certainty though.
Currently when fighting, unless in inquest, there is no Real way to tell if a negate fired (ruby/ stake to the heart/ negate card) or a revive ( revivia , totf , sose, emerald, totem), except that you aren?t dead after the turn finishes, or cripple (except that you hit like a wet noodle)
I would love to see this output available to be toggled. This will help me understand the order in which things fire, and how they interact with each other.
I can understand if this is kept out of battle text for a reason, but I like the idea of playing the percentages, and that?s hard to do unless I have enough data to know precisely how each mechanic interacts.