S1 is more diverse than S2.
S2 is either a circle jerk (Team Wafer), a cool guy (Ribs), or some french canuck throwing his keyboard down the blender (Niizandar).
S1 has a lot more stupidity (Rogyman), less intellectual conversations (unless Lord Magus is on [RIP NILES]), more of a community feel.
Team DICKS cleared out the last known big scammer, though he's trying to make a comeback. (Peutre, Lord Con, Stormthearmada, Coal Chamber [Currently banned])
Legolaspower is a nice guy, total 50b slut though.
L337 W00t W00t is a cool guy, you should check out his Instagram
I think you'd enjoy it
Also - buying characters is a potentially bannable offense...don't let Jeff see you doing this or he can ban you if he cares. He's banned people just for begging to be banned
Last edited by Laughing At Noobs; 03-25-2020 at 11:49 AM..
Reason: don't buy chars it's illegal mmkay