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Value Parity Between Transcend and Greenlust
Old 03-19-2020, 07:46 PM   #1
Archerofdeath is offline
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Default Value Parity Between Transcend and Greenlust

First, let's show what Transcend provides compared to what Greenlust provides.

Transcend - With her as one of your girlfriends you will level at twice the speed. Her effects stack with all other level speed increasers. Having Transcend is also an alternative to the DRC combo. She doubles the effectiveness of your kingdom's runes when attacked. Doesn't stack with DRC.
Greenlust - This little luck charm will multiply the reward for gold rushes in normal Surface kingdoms 50 fold - and 500 fold in normal Hell, Dungeon, Sky, and Heaven kingdoms - not to mention an extra 5% skill chance.
Now, let's show what the Templar upgrade provides.

Templar - As a Templar you will level TWICE as quickly - this is not an experience modifier, this actually means you will gain twice the stats every time you train thus leveling twice as fast. You will also have a 50% skill bonus meaning you have a 50% greater chance of raising a skill every time you fight.
Leveling your character is the most important part of the game, which is why Transcend is undoubtedly the most common first choice for girlfriends. But just the same, skilling is right behind it. Everyone wants 99 Haste... or 99 Defensive... or 99 Kingmanship, etc. So how can Transcend be able to double your leveling speed, but Greenlust only provides 5% to skilling chance? Especially when we consider that Transcend's value is half of what Templar provides (a $50 upgrade). And let's be honest here: at this stage of RWK's economy, the gold rush bonus from Greenlust is negligible in the larger scheme of things.

Another point that can be made for Greenlust being a poor choice of a girlfriend, is that new players that don't have a grasp for the game's economy often pick up this GF as well. They want that gold bonus so they can buy that next piece of Timeless Fortitude Armor, but they don't know that the gold they'll be getting will be next to useless when they're looking to get their first DeMoNiC item or heaven forbid an Essence Element of Fire. A new player will have invested their GF points in Greenlust and if they eventually are able to make it closer to end game, they will be regretting that decision when they are looking to get the more specialized GFs like Rezizthis, Revivia, and Collectia.

With all that being said, I propose that Greenlust be buffed to provide the benefits in skilling (again, a very integral part of the game) to somewhere between the lines of what Templar and Skill Potencifier provide, or 50% to 100% bonus to skilling chance.

Last edited by Archerofdeath; 03-19-2020 at 08:07 PM..
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Old 03-19-2020, 09:00 PM   #2
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l337 is offline
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Even Greenlust becoming 20% increase only makes it a solid 4 SS
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Old 03-20-2020, 09:17 PM   #3
Eldaf is offline
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Agreed greenlust is underwhelming. When I'm chilling in my forge KDs and playing poker, the gold rushes for 100+ mil are kinda cool and eventually add up to some decent billions, but compared to the scale of the RWK gold supply, you're right, it's pretty negligible end game gold and the skill chance is pretty negligible compared to templar, quickening, SP, or even a single DSD.

Was just ashing and skilling in the sky shrine and got one of these;
" You find 81 ash on your enemy's corpse!"
If greenlust was buffed to also affect the chance/size of these like with gold rushes, that could make her really valuable too. Could be a good alternative to messing with the skills side of it.

Last edited by Eldaf; 03-20-2020 at 11:13 PM..
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Old 03-22-2020, 11:06 PM   #4
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Laughing At Noobs is offline
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Archer, you must be new here.

Look at the "What do you guys want" post and read all the recommendations. Look through every post to see if what you've requested has already been proposed, then ask yourself: "Self, am I a genius that has thought of this firstly and will changes be introduced because I am a man of intellect beyond my peers, or am I just loo lazy and haven't noticed what others have recommended"

TL;DR - the team behind glitchless is more interested in getting rid of players for RWK than improving QOL or making it easier for newer players
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