Originally Posted by l337
I don't think the 4th sceptre was the death of RWK - I think being able to multibox embezzle entire planes was.
When 4th scep was introduced I used to bezz 90k kds, 45k daily on 48 hr each for different people. This way waaaay before I even knew about multi-boxing. It used to take me hours but I did it anyways.
This is the start of the buildup of huge multi-plexes. Make bezzing a pain in the ass again and I assure you new players will catch up fast, as most "established"players won't see the benefit and just be lazy.
Originally Posted by Vanilla Pker
Additionally, there are plenty of plexes that can be easily nuked and not even owned planes are safe from nuking. If you want to revitalize the nuking scene, be the change you wish to see. So far I haven't seen you nuke anything besides some high trs, low army long-forgotten forge stuff.
Well first of all, I feel personally attacked...