A new option added to the actions menu called mining. A player will use a pickaxe and hit a rock until its HP has been depleted. Once a rock has been depleted the player has a small chance at receiving ash or gold. Player can mine anywhere on the maps, put in special mine shaft locations, or revitalize some of the dead content locations no one is seen in anymore (Pub, Puddle, Forbidden Mines). A special Forge location can be added where players can mine and have small chances at mining a gem. Can give new players a chance to grind there way to access or older players a new method to ash.
Mining Skill - 0-125 higher chance to receive items, ash, or gold from rock or effects how much damage you do to a rock.
Pickaxes ? 10g pickaxe through forge pickaxe with each tier doing more damage to a rock.
Rocks ? Just like monsters 10HP rocks through 1BHP rocks. Lower HP rocks giving less reward than higher ones. Like when a player awakens a beast there?s a chance a player can spot a comet, meteor, or something and the player to deplete the rock gets a guaranteed drop.