New Item / Ash Purchases (trouble titling)
Is there anyway, you could work on something that would facilitate allowing players to buy items, for other players using their ash?
Billy has full sose/apos/etc and has 50,000 ash he wants to sell.
Timmy has nothing but some cash he got for Christmas... Timmy is a ****ing peasant and cant afford 50.00 for a game but Billy being Mr. Money Bags will sell him 50,000 ash use for 25.00.
Obviously, I understand this possibly takes away from glitchless's revenue, but its also an aspect of the game (EEOA Credit) that you reward inquest players with minus the ability to transfer it easily.
Could something be done to facilitate this? IE A purchasable item which allows people to forge new ash elements, or a new way to interact with hermits to purchase the quest items on the alternate character, but use the ash from the main?
Can we please get more than a simple 'no'? This is something that would drastically help both sides of the player base.