Allow selling accounts
Old 06-28-2018, 01:20 PM   #1
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Default Allow selling accounts

Currently in RWK it is a bannable offense to sell accounts, but this rule is not enforced. The result is an unfair system where individuals can be targeted and banned for doing what other players have been doing openly without fear for years.

I play the game very strictly by the rules; they make the game more fun... not to mention something about the way I play makes me look like a bot judging by the frequent manual checks I receive from Glitchless. This leaves me in a position where it is not worth the risk to sell any accounts I control. Meanwhile, other players openly advertise intentions to buy/sell without fear and are able to make trades that I cannot.

I simply wish to put those of us who prefer to follow the rules on the same playing field as those confident enough in their social status to blatantly violate an unenforced rule.

Here is the rule in question with the important parts bolded:
Character sharing and trading is no longer allowed. We will not be actively seeking out and punishing those who break this rule, but if you auction that you are selling a character, or e-mail us complaining that your clicker stole your character or that you were scammed in a character transaction you will be banned for failing to follow the rules. These rules are for your protection.
These rules protect no one since no one follows them. Like all other transactions, the risk should be on the players to not make shady deals with shady people. This is especially true now that the playerbase is small enough that everyone knows everyone.

Please allow selling accounts.
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Old 06-28-2018, 01:27 PM   #2
Boss Hunter
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The rule is there to prevent headaches on Jeffs part.

Its hard for him to track external conversations / money etc. so it would just be a headache for him to help someone if they were authentically scammed.

Currently it allows him to just wash his hands of the matter, and ban the parties involved.

I dont even log other peoples **** (including my team) because of these rules, but i've openly sold multiple accounts, but its to people that theres almost 0 chance of there being a problem.

If you trust the person, and are both mutually respectable there shouldnt be a problem in selling the accounts, nor do i think glitchless would mind. But at the same time, you accept the risk buying / selling stuff.
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Old 06-28-2018, 01:28 PM   #3
Boss Hunter
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I'd also like to see the enforcement of no character sharing.
I think it fundamentally ****s the game up.
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Old 06-28-2018, 01:39 PM   #4
Spacta is offline
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If you trust the person, and are both mutually respectable there shouldnt be a problem in selling the accounts, nor do i think glitchless would mind. But at the same time, you accept the risk buying / selling stuff.
... but that's how how the rule is written. It clearly states that simply advertising an intention to sell is a bannable offense. If the intention of the rule is to ban both parties when either is banned for other unrelated reasons then I'd go ahead and sell the account in question. That's not the case, and technically I could already be banned for having offered the account before realizing how strict this rule is.

The rules shouldn't facilitate breaking them, rules are meant to be broken doesn't work. It questions the validity or enforceability of every other rule so long as any exist that are ignored.
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Old 06-28-2018, 02:17 PM   #5
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Don't sell characters.
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