Class Update Mechanic Question
Old 06-01-2018, 05:02 PM   #1
Boss Hunter
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Default Class Update Mechanic Question

If I'm to understand this correctly. Having the Fighter, and Caster Quest items allows me to no longer need to distribute my stats in a specific manner to stay master for that quest. But, does that thereby eliminate the chance for me to switch to Bloodletter as a caster, since I will never be able to equip items in a combination that would switch me to vampire? Fighters would be able to equip 2 shields, and 2 spells and would be a Bloodletter, but casters would never be able to switch from Wizard or Magician.

Am I correct in this?

I'm aware I could exchange the item back to the shrine keeper. I'm just curious if this was intentional.

Reason I bring it up is mainly because you can now easily switch classes depending on the context in which your next fight will be, if you have stats distributed in a way that would support it. Which would possibly lead to people changing classes during the inquest depending on their opponent, but would lock out casters due to how equipment / stats works for caster classes.

Last edited by Anubis; 06-01-2018 at 05:05 PM..
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Old 06-01-2018, 05:33 PM   #2
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Yeah, the quest items are not meant to be collected en masse. Get the one you want for the class you want. Get rid of it when you want. If you want to fill up extra inv slots with extra ones, then you're not guaranteed to be able to swap between all of them without getting rid of others.
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