Hourly limit removed or increased
Old 04-10-2018, 05:59 PM   #1
Rat Slayer
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Default Hourly limit removed or increased

There's now an hourly limit on the amount of actions you can do in RWK - DONT WORRY - you won't hit this limit unless you are using questionable tactics i.e. hotkeys to farm massive plexes which is frowned upon. If you're one of the 5 people that play that might actually hit this limit, sorry suckah.

Here's the original post from glitchless
with the implementation of hotkeys i have hit this cap more then i ever cared to see, and while hardcapping or ashing, my record of hitting the cap was 22 minutes into the hour
that should not be the case for anyone to have to sacrifice 38 minutes of playtime doing absolutely nothing

maybe not removing it completely but just giving it more leeway
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Old 04-11-2018, 07:30 AM   #2
Boss Hunter
Anubis is offline
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Posts: 378

I also feel like recently there was an update that caused the move limit to not reset for players at the hour change. I dont know what could have caused this, but i've more than twice have hit move limit at an rate that isnt feasible due to actual time constraints.

I agree as well it should be increased, or removed, but at the minimum investigated that its working correctly and not capping players unnecessarily soon
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