Upgrades to Shadow (multiple tiers, similar to gems)
- first is 50k ash and 10t for upgrade
- second and after are 100k ash and 25t per upgrade
- 1k ash and 1t to switch between upgrade types (class-specific to kingdom)
- 1k ash and 1t to degrade/downtier (reducing towards shadow to make trade-able again)
Lord's (suit piece) Suit - Kingdom suit, as mentioned above by Anubis: interest increase, rune value increase, innate strength (attacking KD) increase, defense increase (without runes only), reduced corruption, asset growth rate, sneak attack rate increase, ambush rate increase, etc.
Class-specific Suits - increase mesmerize resistance, add (higher) void resistance, add devoid resistance, increase critical rate, increase critical amount, reduce chances of resurrection (ToTF), increase class-based attributes; second includes another increase to the above plus a minor version of the Lord's Suit (maybe 1/5 of the tier 1 values per increase)
Potential prefixes could be Mind-flay (theurgs), Psionic (casters), Mighty (fighters), Tranquil (monks), Agile (archers), and Draining (vamps); but I'm certainly no expert in the area.