pardon the hell out of me that my guide is 2 and a half years old, and freewebs was the best I could find at the time for hosting.. would you have preferred (had i stayed active all this time) I had used my old AOL hometown page (which the nice people at AOHell shut down without telling anyone)?
due to my chaotic gaming nature, I havent been as active as some people, and my guide did get ignored in my time away, and part of me regrets that. But how about the fact that 2 and a half years later (other than the fact that the starter gold has been taken away) its still useful? I plan on adapting it for that change as soon as my ashing activities and my packing my apartment up for a move from the Boston area to Phoenix permit.
The whole idea for starter guides is to give new players the confidence and tools to be useful additions to the RWK community. Not everyone can (or even wants to) spend the money needed to make an SoSe character with full shadow DxDev's within 3-5 months of starting.
Between Tito and Titojr, I've spent for access for both chars (Tito still needs lungs, but I can ash for that when I'm done ashing to get Titojr where I want him to be), where Titojr is fully capped and transed SoS with SoA and SoFR (quickening will happen eventually). And I've always found the time to help new players whenever I possibly can
Heres an idea.. if you cant give constructive criticism, STFU please. Or make your own newbie guide if you haven't already.