Quality of life change to EEoGT crafting
Old 01-08-2017, 03:48 PM   #1
Per is offline
Join Date: May 2016
Posts: 8
Default Quality of life change to EEoGT crafting

Crafting out rune banks when they're full is quite a hassle, not because of the rather long delay, but because you have to get that one rune from somewhere else (that can't be one of your full rune banks, since you're trying to craft those out)

My suggestion is a new craft in the Essence Elements category that crafts four EEoGT at the cost of 999 runes. I know this saves you 1b gold, but at the scale of plexes that make enough to regularly having to craft out rune banks, 1b is nothing.

Preferably, this would be available as every other crafts after you obtain the necessary tradeskills. A required chantcrafting skill could be added due to the multiple items component, but this is mainly to add a cost to being able to attempt making the item. Alternatively, it could be tied to one of the scepters, LoD, DoD/DwD, or a new quest item.

That said, the last months with updates have been great, and I look forward to more of this in 2017.

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