Rune nuking mechanics change
Coming back to the game after such a long time, I guess you notice things that people are used to that just feel wrong.
For better or worse, we have corruption now. It is balanced and scales nicely. However, every single 4th sceptre character in game holds 1500 kingdoms. The reason for this has nothing to do with corruption, rather risk aversion. The number of kingdoms a character holds should not be decided for them with a blunt mechanic.
My suggestion is simple, have corruption equate to the number of runes kept when a kingdom is taken.
There are two ways to implement this, the simplest is a flat percentage. At 16% corruption, for example, keep 16% of the runes. Round this up or down, doesn't matter much. A 50 runer will keep 8 runes when taken on your bog standard 1500kd plex. Not profit, but decent.
The alternative is to make it the %chance of keeping all the runes. Take 1500 kingdoms, each with 10 runes 16%, or 240 of them will have 10 runes at the end of it.
The result is the size of each characters plex becomes a risk/reward equation for the owner, subject to corruption.
With this in mind, I would suggest starting corruption earlier, at say 500 or even 0 kingdoms and, once again, scaling interest rates upwards to compensate.
Last edited by xaivia; 04-19-2016 at 06:08 AM..