Mass kingdom pass or /burn
Old 06-09-2008, 08:33 AM   #1
Lord Sin
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Angry Mass kingdom pass or /burn

Jeff with corruption no one can afford to have extra kingdoms and if you nuke you get hundreds and hundreds of extras in random places and becomes a problem refinding them....

we need a way to do a mass pass to give all kingdoms to a mule or to /burn them and destroy all kingdoms under a set number of runes or something similar to that instead of going back over trying to find each and every kingdom spread acrossed 450,000 grid squares just one simple command to get rid of all the extra kingdoms and pass them to a mule you select or burn the assets to 0 and give to nobody to prevent the previous owner from just resettling them...

not asking for much here but nuking gets old when you spend a hour nuking then a hour hunting down all the kingdoms you nuked
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Old 06-09-2008, 03:39 PM   #2
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Get a program that searches pixels finds the locs for you. On a related note I'd like it if your KD colors are set to show, it'll force them all shown even if they arent ran. Often you'll get it where you nuke a hidden KD and unless you run it after that it stays hidden. When I nuke now I make sure to nuke at least 2500 KD's so they all show so I can find them.
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Old 06-10-2008, 04:25 AM   #3
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i agree with kd colors being shown no matter what....
i got kd holders, that yes, they have colors on now, but the didnt for a long time. and a few are over 100 kds over their limit. so i have to check the maps every day to see if any new kds show up that even resemble the colors. and low and behold, it never happens.
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Old 06-10-2008, 04:28 AM   #4
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Go over 2500 for a day and they'll all show.
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Old 06-10-2008, 05:56 AM   #5
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thts just nuts though to go up to 2500 just to find a few lost kd's
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Old 06-10-2008, 07:44 AM   #6
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it's a little bit more work than having them show on their own, but it's still simple and easy to do if you want to find random KD's. sending 1500 KD's takes about 20 minutes or less. You're talking under 1 hour of work to find all of your random KD's compared to months of walking around trying to find them.
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Old 06-10-2008, 05:12 PM   #7
Lord Sin
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still or why not do it the easy way instead of searching for and downloading programs to find kingdoms that might not change colors... have a way to get rid of extra kingdoms without spending hours searching easier to write a few lines of code than have everyone in rwk download a program and get 2500 kingdoms for a day
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Old 06-10-2008, 06:05 PM   #8
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i doubt it's more than simply just a few lines of code to even make them all show automatically. it'd take a lot of work and would cause a lot of lag to make it so you could dump them all. also if you do it by rune count or assets what happens when someone tects a KD behind your wall or during plex compet then you dump and give it to nobody. you get pwned. i agree i wish it were easier, i was just stating that you could easily do it now. why not just get rid of corruption so we dont have to worry about spare KD's? i like that idea better
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Old 06-11-2008, 05:50 AM   #9
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"why not just get rid of corruption so we dont have to worry about spare KD's? i like that idea better"

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Old 06-11-2008, 10:47 PM   #10
Lord Sin
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[QUOTE=Diashan;1445]i doubt it's more than simply just a few lines of code to even make them all show automatically. it'd take a lot of work and would cause a lot of lag to make it so you could dump them all. /QUOTE]

we have wasted lag and alot more lines of code on more pointless things...

poker... poker cards... corruption... the rune corruption... that crappy game dragon warrior or whatever the hell it was... the /mentor system... the updates to keep the /mentor system from being abused.... csov ... somc... moving AAs from mines and PLAs from palace.... long list of updates that where kinda a waste really didnt accomplish anything

if we had half the effort he put into the mentor system rwk might be fun to play agian the work put into keeping it from being exploited into fixing the gold only has value to buy ash ... the only real use for gold is tects/stones for DDs buy plas and ash... because everything in the game is done with ash
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Old 06-12-2008, 02:22 AM   #11
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wtf. Most of those don't cause lag, they changed an existing thing, not created a new one. And as for being pointless.. well I'll let other people tell you how wrong you are on that one.
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Old 06-12-2008, 04:18 AM   #12
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i think the mentor system is retarded and highly ineffective and i dont think much time went into it and it's still abused any time some noob gets the mentor reward instead of a decent player but that's another rant. by a lot of lag i mean more than what all of DMU takes. DMU takes 3 hours just to put colors on the maps. imagine if it searches for all KD's of a certain king and checks if they meet a certain criteria then resets them to 0 and sent to nobody... one person doing it would take hours.
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Old 06-13-2008, 07:15 PM   #13
Lord Sin
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i can live with DMU being a little later... moving 10k kds delays it about a half hour... start it at midnight set it to finnish around noon... not like everyone is going to be moving 50k kds per person per day
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Old 06-14-2008, 03:29 PM   #14
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Read what I said again. Dumping even 1 KD would take several hours of server processing to do if it has to do everything I said.

Last edited by Diashan; 06-14-2008 at 03:31 PM..
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Old 06-16-2008, 12:07 AM   #15
Lord Sin
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and you know this how? 1 hour to dump 1 kingdom just sounded good? it passes them to nobody easy enough without food or without 10b assets... that dumps armies and population just a little update allows it to do forts food and crap... i really really doubt 1 hour per 1 kingdom... maybe 1 hour per 10k kds... although i see your need to post in every thread even when you dont have a clue what you are talking about... just to raise your forum level
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Old 06-16-2008, 12:27 AM   #16
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It's called common sense. Get some. Again try ****ing reading what I said you idiot, plus I'll explain it again. Daily map update only checks who kings are and if their color is enabled/disabled and puts puts a pixel of color on a picture. It takes over 2 hours to do this. What you're wanting is something that searches every KD, checks to see if it meets a certain criteria, and then dumps it if it doesnt. Common sense says that this would take more processing than DMU. The reason sustain dumps KD's is because you walk them. You are NOT going to be walking the entire plane to find KD's to dump so that's the difference. It's doing it for you. If you're going to walk every KD in the game to get them to automatically dump then there's really no need to implement it in the first place because you'll find all your randoms just by walking. The server cant instantly check 450000 kingdoms for something and then dump some.

And you think I care about my forum level? Hahahaha. If cared I'd be more like Doug, Nicho, AoC, or some other retarded idiot from s1 that has nothing better to do than post pointless idiotic **** on here.

Last edited by Diashan; 06-16-2008 at 12:30 AM..
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Old 06-16-2008, 09:40 PM   #17
Lord Sin
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im pretty sure the server can handle checking 450k kingdoms in a 24 hour period without much lag... but then agian it dosnt really matter jeff dosnt read these... or else he would have said yes or no... since no one is saying its a bad idea... the only argument is over what it would take... and he is the only one who can awnser that... seems the rwk half of this forum was kinda a waste
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Old 06-16-2008, 10:32 PM   #18
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Although I am skeptical, he has responded in other threads so there's hope for this being read; it's pretty common practice for Glitchless to read but not necessarily respond. And I don't like this idea because of the strain it puts on the server, if going through every kingdom checking whether it's set to show or hide and then override according to owner (if they are above 2500) and then at the end of every plane drawing the map takes the server multiple hours, I think something more delicate like checking every kingdom's assets, checking if the king has set to burn these kds, and then changing that entry in the database would most likely take longer. The only way I can think of to see this working is if you toggle an option on/off and then it records every kingdom you overthrow into a master file, then before dmu it checks every kingdom in that file for ownership and assets then dumps them. This wouldn't help you if you forgot to turn on the toggle though or for existing extra kingdoms.
However, I think the best way to go about it would be to just update corruption on a real time basis based upon how many kingdoms you bez rather than how many you hold, or something along those lines. Eliminates this problem entirely.
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Old 06-17-2008, 04:05 AM   #19
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The original problem could easily be fixed if you got a pixel finder and if it worked so that if you had KD's showing then they would be forced to show without them being walked. Takes a few seconds to find all of the KD's, then you know their locs to go and move them off. If Glitchless felt like being really helpful then a KD list could possibly me made that lists the loc of all of your KD's to save people the problem of finding a pixel finder since noobs dont get the cool toys I has.
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Old 06-17-2008, 04:34 AM   #20
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Passing 1000 kds to a char to get their colors to show doesn't work, I did that on numerous chars and still had kingdoms hidden. To solve the "pixel finder", just use paint and find your plex and the eyedropper to match kd color. Plus, I highly doubt it would be much difference if a program was running to find kingdoms, it would be a simple "if/then" program, and given that rwk proccesses many other cycles, I am sure it could handle that without much difficulty. Computer processors are pretty powerful nowadays.
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