Feedback on Pricing
Old 10-03-2008, 12:42 AM   #1
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Default Feedback on Pricing

I'm sure something along the lines of what I'm about to say has been said at one point. I used to play Race War Kingdoms a very, very long time ago, back before skills were implemented and the GUI was very different then it is now. I stopped playing for whatever reason, but I seem to recall the prices to become a Templar and such were nowhere near as high as they are now.

The prices seem absolutely astronomical for some of the most basic things. Able to travel to a different plane to fight a different variation of the same enemies you've been fighting on the surface, granted they might give a bit more exp or gold? $50 for a minor character upgrade to double you exp gain. I know that servers need money to run, but prices like that are ridiculous. Especially considered the game is almost entirely text based, save for a map screen and static images of about 50 monsters. I'm sure this prevents an incredible amount of people from playing because they feel they can never get as good as the few people who can afford to pay something like that to be 'elite'.

Now, you might argue I could have my character collect incredible amounts of Ash and such to get certain upgrades. However, wouldn't a more reasonable pay scheme work better? I get the feeling more people would be willing to buy things if the prices were within reason. Only wealthy people or people with little financial responsibilities could possibly hope to justify paying $50 (or $100) for a character upgrade when you could spend that money to buy one or two brand new games, almost enough for an entire game system like the DS, etc. I, personally, would be willing to pay a little money here and there, but not $50 or $15 for a 7 day 'trial'. Not for a game that's basically a MUD with a GUI of sorts.
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Old 10-03-2008, 03:08 PM   #2
Crab Defiler
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people are still buying them as of now, so stfu
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Old 10-03-2008, 10:46 PM   #3
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I realize there have to be people paying for these things, and if they can afford to do it, awesome, more power to em. I merely am commenting that for basic upgrades to a character, the prices seem too high and it prevents people who aren't rich or incredible comfortable monetarily to be able to make purchases. I just feel that more reasonable prices would attract more people to pay. Instead of one person paying $50, having 10 people pay $10. But, perhaps the game doesn't have enough exposure to warrant that, hence the high prices.
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Old 10-05-2008, 01:07 AM   #4
mage war
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dude, the prices are completely fair. in the long run, you could easily even out/make gold and sell for PP, thus MAKING you real life money.
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Old 10-06-2008, 09:11 AM   #5
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I agree with Illyian. However, I don't think Jeff will change the prices.
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Old 10-07-2008, 06:39 PM   #6
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I agree to a certain extent.. relative to other games, the pricing is a bit high. However, to counter this, Jeff has made it so you can make your way through without spending anything, if you wish. However, it's far easier to just invest a starting amount, then from there make it back. I haven't spent anything, to get 1 almost SoSe and a couple of SoS's, however it would have been far quicker, easier and more enjoyable to invest some money then make it back than the way I did it. But buying stuff was not feasible for me so I had to do it the long way.
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Old 10-09-2008, 01:42 AM   #7
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rwk has always been either
A. Be an anoyiong sur newb
or B. spend the money and be a good player.
99% of all paid chars are not retarded little kids who spent their weeks allowance to get an upgrade, to be good in rwk it requires hundreds of dollars. it weens out the kids, unless the kid has the effort to do it, I had SoSe at 14. Its not hard, takes alot of dedication and work, or get a job and buy it. rwk prices will never change, it would dramaticly reduce the value of hundreds (thousands?) of charecters. And purchases have not stoped, and I dont see a stopping future untill somone buys 5,000 sose chars and takes over every plane... and then jeff will be a millionair. Cheaper prices = cheaper econamy = cheaper to kick your ass... if you even want a chance then the prices are fair.
I reject your reality and substitute my own. S2 forums. 15% off with promo code "rwkplr"
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