Old 07-25-2009, 06:44 AM   #21
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I dunno, it would have it's uses but also would be annoying in certain situations as well. Given that you can easily do without it, it would probably be better, overall, just to not implement it. Not that I believe Jeff needs much motivation not to implement it, there have been far better suggestions that could really have benefited the game that haven't been put in for various reasons. I think there's very little chance of this being put in, and honestly I don't think it would be missed much.
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Old 07-26-2009, 07:39 AM   #22
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Efficiency isn't always the main objective in a game. You're assuming the annoyance of selling items one at a time is unintentional, but the delays and tedium imposed in working through all those cheap items may be by design. If that's the case, it doesn't matter how easily it can be changed technically, it's likely Glitchless will leave things as they are for more strategic reasons.

An auto-sell feature would simplify and speed the crafting of low-end items. However, games of this type are filled with delaying features that intentionally slow player development so the whole process will last longer. The idea is to keep people from rushing through the game and getting tired of it sooner than the developers would like. The need to frequently sell useless crafted items also adds an additional cost to developing the skills, and that discourages some players from working on this aspect of the game. The end result is fewer players becoming accomplished crafters so those who do manage it have a skill set with more value. Even with the current tedium, crafting is such a mature area of the RWK that it's not profitable anymore because so many players can make every item. One could argue that the current system is actually too easy rather than too hard.
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Old 07-26-2009, 11:21 AM   #23
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I love how jimcav can word a "your stupid stfu" in such a nice way
I reject your reality and substitute my own.
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Old 07-28-2009, 09:38 PM   #24
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I wasn't calling anyone stupid or trying to stifle opinions. My point was that what some see as an annoying problem to be fixed may actually be a design feature that's intentionally built into the game. And that one function it serves is to add value to skills gained through tedious drudgery.
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