Sash lotto!!!!
Due to boredom, I'm going to hold a sash lotto. For those of you that don't know what that is I will explain. Sash of the Blood Rogue is a quest item that you can get by spending 50$ or risking 250b for a 1/20 chance to obtain it. The way a sash lotto works is people place 250b bets on any number from 1-20. When each number has been bet on, I roll 250b and the number that comes up wins. You can bet on as many numbers as you like, but once a number is taken no one can bet on that number. The winner will get the pot minus the cost of the sash roll, so if 20 people bet each betting on a different number, someone will win 19 eeogts (4.75t). I hope that I can fill up all the numbers and will wait to roll till they fill up. If only a few people are interested then I won’t roll and will return your gold to you. If you want to place a bet on a number you will have to pay UP FRONT. I’m not going to try and go collect from people after the roll. Any questions just feel free to leave a post here or message me on s2 at verysmallchurches0.
You will need to contact me(verysmallchurches0) and send the gold for your bet before I will place your name on that number(s). Bet as many numbers as you like.