beast and armor update
Old 02-07-2013, 04:40 AM   #1
Decent is offline
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Default beast and armor update

hi jeff,michael or whoever reading this, you seemed to having a lot of fun updating the poker so how about having alittle bit more fun?
one update could be that you give lets say ID a few more mobs that's really hard, that can drop demos with a very very little chanse, also regulars could drop crystals with even a smaller chanse than they drop from the shamans,gmts,MT etc, then to compensate for the facts that there might drop 1 or 2 more crystals each month you make it possible to upgrade the shadows for a small increased boost for lets say 10k ash, 15k ash or what ever you like, or something like this, now doesn't this sounds like lots of fun?
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Old 02-07-2013, 08:50 AM   #2
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