Old 01-01-2013, 06:17 AM   #1
NetKnight66 is offline
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Dear Jeff

I know you're busy most of the time but please give me few minutes to read this letter.
I played this game 8 years ago, quited and came back because people always come back lol
Its a great game what deserve a better place in games top list and we worked on it with adversitings on chats, forums and fb to. What wanna say i love this game. Now the problem. The last upgrade its pretty bad. You didnt killed the botters what dont even existed on server 1. Who we knewed as botter we destroyed his kd's and noone buy from him/them anything cause he is a botter. Let us to kill them. But this upgrade its bad for all of us who played poker, cause no more point to play really. You tooked out the 2ash at the end and if im alone in poker with 2-3 chars its like i just transfer ash bethween my chars. Thats not helping at all. And now lets talk about new players. They had a plus chance to get some ash for first upgrade, what was toked with this upgrade. Not the best way to keep them in game....
I know its a business for you and you need to make more money but this way you will not sale more ups from site, trust me. The reason why prices goes down, was, to much EEoAsh you give on accumen. That pushed down the prices for all things. Im sure players would join acumen even if you would give only 100$ essence of ash. You gave away a ton of ash for less players, cause now because of D3 and GW2 we lost a lot of players thats the true. Killing the poker is not the best way to bring them back...
Now lets talk about the gold. Gold was worthless before upgrade but after that no more point for keep gold no more. Noone making war and only thing is we used gold to play poker. Was a good business and rwk life start for new players to cause they selled dropped stuffs for gold to play poker ....
Now listen to me a bit please. This is not only my oppinion just take a look on chat logs, and you will see most of us thinking same about this upgrade.
Take back from accumen prices hard. I mean why 750$ ash ??? I put all my money, people will join to if you give 100$ ash for the winner. Same for plex award and 'each other killing' competition to. And let us to kill botters from game in our way (avoiding they sale offers/attacking they kd's ect.) We can handle botters trust me. Just put back the game how was 2 weeks ago and cut the to big prizes from accumen and im sure game will be better.
Thank you for listening my/our oppinion and sorry for my poor english, is not my mother language but i hope you understanded what i wrote lol

With respect:

Laszlo Bogdan(NetKnight66)
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Old 01-01-2013, 01:31 PM   #2
Grenth is offline
Join Date: Jan 2010
Posts: 29

While I agree poker was a good way for new players to get started, bots have been abusing it for quite a while on server 2 to the point you'd see them winning bonus hands with pots of 0 throughout many hours of the day. It is practically impossible for the players to stop them and there will always be someone willing to trade with them.

Your frustration is understandable since pretty much everyone has been used to exploiting the poker system for a while now, and poker no longer generates (as much) ash and now just exchanges it between characters - which makes it more feasible to transfer ash between characters granted you're willing to take a small risk with the new max pots. Putting aside this new "exploit", I personally find the new poker to be more enjoyable and worthwhile.

It would be better in my opinion to give new players a new option to progress their characters such as (just an example) increased ash rushes at certain locations. This would be more proactive than afking poker all day, and it would be easier to deal with bots since you could stop them by killing them at those locations.

Finally, I wholeheartedly disagree with your view on acumen. I've been playing since the old version of RWK and I'm pretty sure less people would invest in characters and gear to win acumen if the prize went down. If you make a character from scratch it'll take you about an acumen win and a half to make back your investment in ash, not counting the relics.


Last edited by Grenth; 01-01-2013 at 01:32 PM.. Reason: typo
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