New Essence Elements
Essence Element of Exalted Treasure
Essence Element of Master Treasure (or something along these lines, but I suggest master for a reason)
Both treasures just continue on with the current EEo(G)T setup in every aspect.
Exalted Treasure would be 500b, Exalted Treasure would be 999b (or 1T if you require the maker/crafter to be also holding 1bil, which I'll get to that later (and yes, you would take a 1bil loss when turning it back in if this route is taken))
These treasure would both still go through the rune keeper to trade in, and can be used to make with ash (still at the same rate as the 2 existing) but also craftable.
The crafting progression could continue off of the same scale that exists, scaling upwards towards you having to be a Master Crafter in order to be triv on Master Treasures. I suggest Exalted Treasures starting at 820 and triv at 880, and Master Treasures starting at 840 and triv at 900.
I would also say that since crafting master treasures should truly be something you should be an experienced crafter at, maybe adding woodworking and/or gemcrafting in as required skills too could be something done. This would require that those tradeskills be required back at the exalted treasures too, as both of them stop (without gmt's, of course) at 835.
This provides a big money sink while also allowing players a reason to get all tradeskills up, not just armor and relic (to work toward the two existing elements).