There is this thing called "going outside" that you're supposed to do every so often to prevent personal harm during gaming. Prolonged game play without significant breaks can cause eye focusing problems, as well as eye irritation.
The eyes focus much differently on a video screen than on a flat surface, such as a piece of notebook paper. When looking at printed material, the brain and eyes understand exactly what distance at which to focus. When looking at a video screen, the eyes are constantly changing focus, making the eyes very tired. Furthermore, when playing video games, the eyes tend to become "locked in" to the screen. This may make it difficult for the eyes to focus easily on other objects, even long after the video game is turned off.
People tend to blink much less frequently while absorbed in a video game. This reduced blinking can significantly affect tearflow, sometimes resulting in dryness and irritation.
In short, get off your ass and do something else for a bit.