Beast Upgrade
Beasts are hard to get to and kill in time, even with /bb. Within 5 seconds a beast dies, excepts PLAs for obvious reasons. Before there have been beast upgrades, more AGI CNT and Armor Defense. But what if there was a beast with an upgrade in DUR? Of course all classes would be pissed off except vamps, but how many vamps kill a Dragon Eater? I mean seriously? Even with FotB they suck without a couple DDs. I would love to see a 25bil base dur beast. Why? Because it would actually take longer to kill than just raising other stats. Vampires would even have a tough time if the beast was like a UT or Rogue in terms of defense. It would leave that beast kill kind of random like a Goblin King, but only access characters could reach it. A problem would be the Attackers Balance. It would have to be 'annulled' by the beast to actually have it over 1,999,999,998 durability. But the end result would be a beast that actually takes a while to kill. Maybe it could drop some ash and GF points, something menial though as there would be tons of fighters/archers crying they can't kill it with one attack. But then again......
(For Illustration Purposes Only)
*whines* I can't kill a public Shaman with 200 attacks. *whines* I do only 40mil to DEs with a DD, FotB, and 8 Ice along with my beast armor/relics. (forgot to mention no SoSe but that would only be 80mil then...)
Maybe it's about time for those people to actually feel like a vamp. Uberly pathetic without 2,000 dollars worth of relics. Then again it's only an idea. It's not like it would make THAT MUCH of a difference. Like the upgrade in void/mez resistance a couple classes got months ago, it only helps for acumen. It would still take a vamp some time and upgrades to kill it with one attack though, IF it's even possible with 25bil dur. Maybe with 8 DPDs and a couple VASs but that's still a lot of time and effort or money to get.