Beast Upgrade
Old 08-27-2008, 10:51 AM   #1
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Default Beast Upgrade

Beasts are hard to get to and kill in time, even with /bb. Within 5 seconds a beast dies, excepts PLAs for obvious reasons. Before there have been beast upgrades, more AGI CNT and Armor Defense. But what if there was a beast with an upgrade in DUR? Of course all classes would be pissed off except vamps, but how many vamps kill a Dragon Eater? I mean seriously? Even with FotB they suck without a couple DDs. I would love to see a 25bil base dur beast. Why? Because it would actually take longer to kill than just raising other stats. Vampires would even have a tough time if the beast was like a UT or Rogue in terms of defense. It would leave that beast kill kind of random like a Goblin King, but only access characters could reach it. A problem would be the Attackers Balance. It would have to be 'annulled' by the beast to actually have it over 1,999,999,998 durability. But the end result would be a beast that actually takes a while to kill. Maybe it could drop some ash and GF points, something menial though as there would be tons of fighters/archers crying they can't kill it with one attack. But then again......
(For Illustration Purposes Only)
*whines* I can't kill a public Shaman with 200 attacks. *whines* I do only 40mil to DEs with a DD, FotB, and 8 Ice along with my beast armor/relics. (forgot to mention no SoSe but that would only be 80mil then...)

Maybe it's about time for those people to actually feel like a vamp. Uberly pathetic without 2,000 dollars worth of relics. Then again it's only an idea. It's not like it would make THAT MUCH of a difference. Like the upgrade in void/mez resistance a couple classes got months ago, it only helps for acumen. It would still take a vamp some time and upgrades to kill it with one attack though, IF it's even possible with 25bil dur. Maybe with 8 DPDs and a couple VASs but that's still a lot of time and effort or money to get.
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Old 08-27-2008, 12:18 PM   #2
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there already is a beast like that, its called a goblin king.

This upgrade would only help you because you think you will get lucky and kill it doing 40m which will not be the case, thecase would be whoever has a D*Dev suit would one hit it and use 50 chars and kill all the beasts every month

also if the server is a 32bit system 2,147,483,647 is the largest integer it can output.
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Old 08-31-2008, 01:10 AM   #3
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Or you could just switch classes out of being a vamp/theurg and solve the problem of crappy beasting. As of late, most beasts aren't even dying that fast so.....maybe you should work on your speed.
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Old 06-04-2011, 11:01 AM   #4
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Goblin King? Dance, magic dance
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Old 07-13-2011, 06:20 PM   #5
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jeff did make the /bb teleport more random once. it would teleport you to a loc 3squares away from the beast. It made it fun to beast for a week or so. then people complained and he put it back so you only have to move once.

maybe he could make a beast that only appears in the corners. then you would have to goto every corner to look for it. (it would not say it's loc in chat like all the other beasts)

it could drop small stuff like ess of enchants, a pe or a trill...and people might have more fun hunting it down.
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