RWK's Future
Hey Glitch!
ill get right into the case...
Me and some other peoples on S1 had alot of ideas and questions..
First of all, is RWK going to be shot down?
---If yes, any date?
Will there ever gonna be a update to RWK?
Some peoples on S1 offer free advertising..
some peoples on s1 also have GREAT ideas to bring back RWK..
also great ideas to make u a few exstra $ .. ( dont misunderstand me, as far as i noticed, u dont seem to like money :P )
Last question.
if u have plans about shutting down rwk or totaly gave up on rwk..
Wouldnt it be a shame its going to a waste?
All the time and effort u put in..
Would u sell RWK?
i know a bit of coding, though, everthing is to be learned..
I would light the torch one again..
-- if not, would u accept help on updating RWK?
Thank you for your time, and i hope u someday somehow read this.
( i dont hope that u misunderstand any of this, as i dont mean anything bad in any way at all )