Server maintenance?
Old 10-17-2011, 12:44 PM   #1
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Question Server maintenance?

Hi, tried to log and got this message:

Server down for maintenance that will improve performance. Downtime should not be more than several hours.

And I'm wondering why we didn't get any warning or an e-mail like before?

I know there have been some issues with the game, but we deserve at least a line or two before going on maintenance, there's not even a warning or any post from Glitchless on the forums, that's why I decided to start it here.

Hope rwk goes back online soon, and with a real update or lag fix on it, and by the way, thanks for banning those macroers, please Glitchless read forums and post a reply to those thread that worth the time, let us post char names who are suspects of using macros, those are always easy to catch since every char using a macro program spawns between 2 to 4 beasts a day, maybe more.

I know some people will complain about the bannings, but those are needed to make rwk a fair game to play, even if the result is getting less beasts spawning.

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