My Rant List.
Old 09-11-2011, 11:52 PM   #1
Crab Defiler
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Posts: 50
Default My Rant List.

I don't mean to sound to mean, but this is my formal rant listing. As much as I love RWK (I've been playing it for around 7 years) some stuff just gets me a little (ALOT) irritated.

1) When bezzling, I always get timeouts and it's a real pain in the butt when I'm bezzling and I have to go over every other kingdom in order to get it done fully. Or when the timeouts just seem to keep coming on end with no restraints. (My record is 6 clicks in a row and getting a timeout for each, what's yours?)

2) That's basically it. I would like a little feedback from Glitchless (or Glitchless team) to tell me if it's me, the server, or what ever it could be. Don't fail me!
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