War changes
Old 09-24-2011, 06:45 PM   #1
Grenth is offline
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Default War changes

Here's a couple changes that in my humble opinion would be a first step towards making the kingdom game much more exciting, while not going to extremes in any direction. If you're too lazy to read all of it, just read the bold parts and then stop being lazy and read the reasoning behind them.

Rune defense capped at 25 before applying bonuses or penalties.
This makes it impossible to build invincible plexes as 25 runers while defendable are not extremely cost effective to defend like the more standard 50 rune kingdoms people use now. It also removes high rune spikes and big walls surrounding massive plexes, giving attackers more options.
Additionally, if you embezzle your own kingdoms at 0% corruption it would take you roughly 3 months for your plex to make the gold to be "maxed out" in terms of defense, meaning you might want to spend your gold on something else.

Assail, besiege removed from the game.
Due to the costs involved in nuking the only reasonable way to do it is to take out every other line and then besiege. This limits attackers and gives defenders a big advantage. The other reason to make this change is that if the previously suggested cap is implemented, standard 50 rune plexes would go down twice as fast as they do now, and considering how much work and time is involved in building a plex I feel this would be too fast. Removing assail and besiege will effectively double the amount of time it takes to bring down a plex.
Runes left after overthrowing a kingdom increased to 60% at all kingdom counts, maximum 25.
With assail and besiege removed, runes left would have to be increased by 50% to bring the cost of nuking back to normal, as you now have to nuke twice as many kingdoms head on instead of nuking half and besieging half. The cap of 25 runes left is to prevent insane profit from nuking old banned/inactive plexes and banks.
If you add up these 3 changes, the end result is:
No plex or wall will ever be stronger than 25 runes (before bonuses/penalties) unless the king uses a Stone essence. Since one of the main problems with the current mechanics is high rune kingdoms, this is a simple solution that consists of removing them.
Nuking a plex that's not being actively defended will cost approximately the same as before, but non-corrupt plexes between 5-25 runes will take twice as long to nuke out (0-4 will take just as long as now using proper technique)
Actively defending a plex with 25 runes will still be possible and effective, specially since you will now want to prevent letting a kingdom go down so the attackers don't get half their gold back.
Since no plex will be over 25 runes, attackers will have an easier time breaking deep into a major plex and coupled with removing the need to besiege/assail to maintain efficiency, changing directions will be much more viable giving more tactical options.
Of course, the cap of 25 runes that I picked could turn out to be slightly too high or low in practice, but that would not be difficult to tweak.
I tried to keep this as short as possible, but didn't want to leave room for confusion; criticism is more than welcome.


Last edited by Grenth; 09-24-2011 at 06:46 PM.. Reason: Messed up formatting
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Old 09-29-2011, 04:36 AM   #2
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Good idea. Implementing this or something along the lines of this would be a huge step towards making this game active again.
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Old 10-11-2011, 11:13 PM   #3
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It's a good idea, but what to do with those plexes with 50's and more?, I'm talking about the plexes still holded by banned chars, we need those to die or something, people is comming to play and they find no where to build in surface.

And the 25 runes cap sounds good for people with less than 4th scepter.

Althought, the Assail and Besiege are part of the scepters, which are expensive to get, why remove them?, those are good tools for nuking. And removing them is like making those scepters useless to have, people will stop wasting time on getting a DDD for 2nd scepter, even with the benefits for a SoSe upgrade. There must be another way to work that point.

Last edited by Belfegor; 10-17-2011 at 12:35 PM.. Reason: Added content
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Old 10-21-2011, 03:49 PM   #4
Grenth is offline
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Banned plexes have little to do with how much room there is for newbies to build in surface. Most of the kingdoms are held by characters that are not banned.

The rune cap has to be applied with full force to everyone regardless of how many kingdoms you hold or how many upgrades you have because otherwise it would just benefit those with the most gold and characters, just like when rune corruption was implemented and a few of us just had 0 runed plexes behind massive non-income, high runed walls, and those who didn't have as many characters/gold had to have unprotected plexes if they wanted to make any gold.

As far as scepters go, they already provide:
/ref - /rep - /bf
/sa (if you have the d*devs)
50% damage increase to armies attacking your kingdoms
55% innate revive chance
3 extra attacks
Ability to attack kingdoms up to 3 locations away
And they are also a requirement for SoSe.

Removing assail and besiege would NOT in any way make scepters worthless and they would still be an absolute must have for anyone attempting to nuke and to a lesser degree hold kingdoms, and also for anyone wanting a good chance at acumen since without scepters/sose you are at a big disadvantage.

In my opinion, the 3 changes mentioned have to be implemented together to achieve balanced mechanics. Implementing the other 2 changes without removing assail/besiege would heavily imbalance the game in favor of nukers.

The only situation where this change could "hurt" nuking is if you have a couple stand alone kingdoms in your expansion path, and you want to besiege them without having to drop a tect. I believe the benefits of these changes heavily outweigh this "issue".
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Old 12-06-2011, 09:26 AM   #5
Shawn Bloodlust
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I love this idea.
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Old 12-12-2011, 01:10 PM   #6
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Default Perfect

I think its a great idea.. Forcing people to log to defend or just loose their plex..Making the people with high runed plex's less indestructible..giving everybody a chance to nuke and defend. the game has reached a bit of a stalemate because of the 60 to 100 runed plex's. These plex's are absolutely impossible to nuke. Especially with a defender. Unless you wanted to save up to tect every kd and even then it would be pointless and too costy. However it would give everyone a chance to learn the war aspect of the game instead of either just not building or playing just the dueling/beasting and character building part of the game.

In my opinion the kingdom/war portion of the game is the only reason people STAY active.. Eventually once they cap everything in the game they just quit because what else do they have to do? I think this idea would be perfect to add more excitement to the game and to keep it there..and add longevity to people's playing experience.

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Old 12-12-2011, 01:27 PM   #7
The Ganja King
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I don't know exactly what all this means but I fully agree with what Krusade said:
Originally Posted by Krusade
However it would give everyone a chance to learn the war aspect of the game instead of either just not building or playing just the dueling/beasting and character building part of the game.

In my opinion the kingdom/war portion of the game is the only reason people STAY active.. Eventually once they cap everything in the game they just quit because what else do they have to do?
I never got into the kd/war aspect of the game and I got bored with the beasting/character building after a couple months. If this update would make it easier to get in on the kd/war aspect, then Im all for it.
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Old 12-13-2011, 02:25 AM   #8
Wafer is offline
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I like the idea, at first read I thought it might almost turn into a supression tool, but from what I remember about nuking (i've been gone a while, still shaking off the rust) I rember with Besieging and Assailing it still taking up such a large chunk of gold.

People with multiple SoSe could feel the sting here as well, as they cant throw gold into runes to protect themselves due to capping or doing something on one charecter and thier other ones are currently getting eaten alive.

Game is in dire need of an update however, and anything that will get something started really could help.
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Old 12-05-2012, 08:33 AM   #9
Decent is offline
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I support this idea. we need updates
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