Old 10-18-2018, 08:16 AM   #21
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Originally Posted by Glitchless
Hell no.
Is this like Hell no, never going to happen...?

Or more like Hell no, I'm not going to tell you guys my plans because i'm dark and mysterious like that?

Asking for a friend

Old 10-18-2018, 12:22 PM   #22
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Lord Magus is offline
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I honestly think just merging the chats would go a long way in helping maintain the player base. Dont need to merge the entirety of the servers.

Just make tabs for chat, one for that server only, one for cross server talking.

Old 10-20-2018, 01:53 AM   #23
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With all the S1 chars flocking over to S2, we might not even need a merge

I like the merged chat option.

Old 11-05-2018, 06:55 PM   #24
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I've started from scratch enough that I wouldn't care if I had to do it again, even without any Paypal credit. I say we spill it all, down to all the player names that have been taken. I would suggest awarding a percentage of Paypal credit based on how much was spent and how long ago. Nobody gets a perfect 1:1 award unless they've bought within the last full month before the merge happens.

The only way to keep RWK relevant, bring back a potentially larger player base, AND stimulate economy like the "old days," as has been mentioned perviously, is to do a complete wipe. Make everyone start at 0. Buyers will still be buyers, and non-payers will still try to force their way to the top the slow way. New players, at least, will find it worth the effort to start something.

Plus throw in a curve ball so even the experienced players have to relearn something...maybe change the most effective nuke order, corruption rules, or defensive/offensive attributes of runing. I dunno, you're the genius behind it, Jeff. I'm sure you'll think of something fun 2 seconds after you put your mind to it.

Old 02-06-2019, 12:27 PM   #25
Mazurat is offline
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I don't mind a KD/gold wipe. I love KD work and I find it enjoyable building up a plex. What I wouldn't be fine with is a gear (at least not the relics) or purchased items wipe. And when I say gold I mean all forms. This includes treasures. Those would need to go too otherwise whats the point? Also sources such as a goblin head/PLA great wealth would have to be altered or removed until a later date when it wouldnt have such a drastic effect on a new economy.

With the change to poker (which I wholeheartedly feel is beneficial in the long run) eliminating the ash income, a gold/kd reset would handle the gold side and both would become much more valuable. I wholeheartedley feel a wipe and merge would revitalize the game and the competition would be back when everyone is vulnerable.

It would also have the side effect of bringing back an aspect of true teamwork of empire building. The ones that build together will rise together.

Last edited by Mazurat; 02-06-2019 at 01:52 PM..
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